English schools in Latin America
Quito International School, one of the 17 International schools and three universities that today make up the SEK Institution in three continents.
SEK- Quito was founded in downtown Quito in 1984 but moved to its present site in San Isidro de El Inca in 1988, which offeredthe opportunity to construct a purpose-built school complete with dining facilities, an imposing Sports hall and indoor swimming pool; in addition to recreational areas, gardens and pitches. Located at nearly 3000 metres above sea level, the school grounds afford magnificent views over Rucu Pichincha and towards the snow capped Cotopaxi volcano, the world’s highest active volcano. The gardens attract three species of Humming bird and they are the emblem of the School’s dynamic ecological society, which makes a real difference in the city periphery by forestation schemes and environmental awareness campaigns. The school is conveniently located at approximately 200 metres from the Eloy Alfaro highway, leading to the SEK Carcelén University, and to the Pan American highway which in turn leads to the touristic centres of Guallabamba, Otovalo and Ibarra. We are approximately 30 minutes from the city centre and 20 minutes from the International airport, surrounded by a variety of established and new condominiums.
SEK – Quito students choose between national courses for the Ecuadorian Baccalaureate and the international programme comprising of the MYP and Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Organization based in Geneva. Approximately 30% of the students are international in background representing some 35 different countries at present. Students enter at three or four years of age and graduate at seventeen or eighteen, taking up places in the most prestigious universities of Ecuador, South America generally and with an increasing number entering leading North American and European universities. We are accredited by the IBO, International Schools Association and are also able to offer PSAT and AP examinations by the College Board.
In addition to academic success, SEK – Quito emphasizes care, concern for others, sports and leadership. We are proud of the achievements in such a relatively short time, excited by the present challenges and enthusiastic about building for the future with the help of the whole school community.