Many human beings believe we only have five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. But I believe our higher power has given us a Sixth Sense - the connective power of humor, to reach into each others hearts and souls. When you consider the following negative events that are happening today around the world it makes sense to laugh:
27,000 Children Will Die Of Hunger
17,000 U.S. Veterans Will Go Hungry
On 6 Continents in 60 Countries There Are Wars Occurring
1.3 Billion People Make Less Than $1.00 Per Day
1.9 Billion People Make Less Than $2.00 Per Day
It’s no wonder:
Optimists live an average of 8 years longer than a pessimist!
Pessimist’s view themselves as victims!
Children laugh 400 times per day!
Adults laugh 15 times per day!
In 1950, we used to laugh 18 minutes per day!
In 2006, we laugh less than 6 minutes per day!
One minute of laughter is equal to 10 minutes on the rowing machine.
Laughter increases the levels of endorphins – the body’s natural pain killers.
Laughter reduces the levels of stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol.
Fear can also stop us from laughing and connecting with other human beings and leading a more joyful life, consider this:
The Ten Worst Human Fears are:
10. Dogs
9. Loneliness
8. Flying
7. Death
6. Sickness
5. Deep water
4. Financial problems
3. Insects and bugs
2. Heights
1. Speaking before a group
If we all just focus on laughing a little bit more each day we can brighten up our lives and the lives of others.
Doug Dvorak