Ready to laugh with some Benny Hill quotes? Alfred "Alfie" Hill (the comedian we lovingly refer to as "Benny Hill) was born on January 21, 1924. He was one of the few men in the world who could tick off as many people as he could entertain. If you're in the mood for some Benny Hill humor, or even just some nostalgia, these 11 Benny Hill quotes should do the trick.
1. "Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect."
2. "That's what show business is, sincere insincerity."
3. "Have you noticed that all the people in favour of birth control are already born?"
4. "Why would I make one woman so miserable when I can make so many women very happy?"
5. "The odds against there being a bomb on a plane are a million to one, and against two bombs a million times a million to one. Next time you fly, cut the odds and take a bomb."
6. "Roses are reddish, violets are bluish. If it weren't for Christmas, we'd all be Jewish."
7. "Live each day as if it were your last...because one day, you'll be right!"
8. "I'm the one who gets the laughs!"
Of course, some of the best and most insightful Benny Hill quotes are quotes by other people. Quotes that give insight as to how he made others feel and the marks he made on their lives. The next five quotes aren't from Benny himself, but rather those who were touched by him.
9. "A decade ago, Benny Hill died in obscurity. But posterity has treated him well. He's more admired than ever - as a spate of new biographies will soon show - and is British TV's most successful comedy export." ~ The Independent
10. "He was completely whacky. He wouldn't ever use the cue cards; he just used to make it up. He was just brilliant." ~ Jayne Melville (Benny Hill Dancer)
11. "Benny Hill will always be the bastard stepchild of British sketch comedy. In a realm where The Goon Show and Monty Python's Flying Circus remain on pedestals, Hill is the bad boy looking up the skirts and down the blouses of passing ladies. His was a style born of vaudeville, a broad burlesque focused on breasts and butts." ~ Bill Gibron
So there you have it - great Benny Hill quotes. Some are by him, some about him, but they all sum up the character of Benny Hill quite nicely. Let's remember him and the laughter and humor he brought us with these eleven Benny Hill quotes.
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