1. The Ball Bearing
In this practical joke, you take a small metal ball bearing and place it inside the hub cap of your victim's tire. When the victim gets in his car and begins to drive, the ballbearing will bounce around making all kinds of racket. As the victim's car gains momentum, the centrifugal force of the tire will cause the ballbearing to stay put and there will be no noise. Then as the victim slows down, the ball bearing will break free from the centrifugal force and begin making a loud racket all over again.
2. Alarm Clocks
Take about 10 alarm clocks or watches. Set the first alarm clock to go off at 3:00 am, then set the other alarm clocks to go off at various times after 3:00 am. For example, you might have one go off at 3:28 am, then another go off at 4:03 am.
Go to your victim's bedroom and hide the alarm clocks throughout the room in various hiding places. Be sure that they aren't covered too much though, or they won't wake up your vicitim.
That morning, your victim will wake up at 3:00 am, then every other time a new clock goes off.
3. The Cubicle Spider
If you work in an office cubicle, you most likely have friends that work in adjoining cubes. Next time you are at work, go to the other side of the friend's cube and toss a tiny fake spider over the edge of their cube so in lands in front of them.
To create the fake spider:
1. Get a small piece of paper and fold it up.
2. Take a rubber band and cut four strips.
3. Lay these strips over the piece of paper and stable them.
4. You should have a piece of paper with 8 rubber band legs.
5. Get a black marker and color your fake spider black.
Enjoy hearing your victim jerk back from their desk as your tiny fake spider lands in front of their monitor from above.
4. Dog Biscuit Hors D'oeuvres
If you are hosting a party with chips, fingerfoods, and other hors d'oeuvres, then this is the perfect opportunity to play this practical joke. Take a nice plate and arrange small doggy treats on it. Be sure to choose treats that look like wrapped fingerfoods (not milkbone buscuits). Serve them to your guest and watch their facial expression as they chew on a doggy treat.
It's probably a good idea to serve some real refreshments first, before attempting this joke. This way your guest will not suspect anything different.
Eric Head