~here is my answer.. btw me and him not so close..
The absolute quickest way to know if he likes you is to read his BODY LANGUAGE. Look in his eyes. Are his pupils dialated? Is he looking right at you, or is he distracted, glancing away while talking to you?
- yes he is.. his pupils dialated and he smiles at me..then i smile back that and he came towards me and friends..
Does he reach out and touch you while he talks to you? Does he touch your forearm or shoulder ?(and hopefully nothing else if he doesn't know you well yet!)
- shoulder..when we was at the cafeteria..
Is he listening to you - REALLY listening? and by listening I don't mean starting his new sentence on top of your own sentence. If he's really listening he is not talking more than you. He is listening to what you say, he's interest, inquisitive and will be asking you questions and waiting (and LISTENING) to your entire answer.
- he's talkative boy and so do i.. but he and me act differently if there is nobody.. just two of us.. we suddenly be so quite.. and nervously...
Do you make him nervous? Does he seem like he's going to break into a sweat at any moment? Does he stumble a bit on his words once in a while? Does he even blush? If he likes you a lot as a romantic partner, he will be probably nervous when he first gets to know you, and you will be able to pick that up.
- yeah he is.. but i m not sure because of me or what..
He laughs at your jokes!
- i did not make any jokes.. but he is always make jokes when we're in group and i am the one who laugh..
If you go to a movie, he asks you what you want to see, and he doesn't force you to see some jock movie you said you don't like. He'll gladly take you to a sappy romantic chicky flick just so he can be with you.
- not yet.. we just see each other at the campus only.. we're not close friends..
Does he tell you that he likes you? Guys don't usually wear their emotions on their sleeves, so if he expresses those types of emotions to you (and you believe he's sincere) he's surely into you.
- no.. and thats why im looking at this page =)
finally : do u think he likes me???
Messages In This Thread
- The Quickest Way to Know if He Likes you --
- Re: The Quickest Way to Know if He Likes you -- lindsay