Moments always arise where we know we have to do something romantic. Maybe you are going out for the first time in a while or celebrating the pregnancy of your lover. Either way, sometimes you just have to show your special one that you love her and nothing does that more than a romantic line. One of these delivered correctly can make both of you feel AMAZING at the same time.
If she is going through a rough time and you want to show that you are there for her, why not text her first thing in the morning and say. "Hey, I know you are feeling the stress at the moment. I am just letting you know I will be there for you no matter what." By sending this message so early in the morning, you send out the signal that you think about her regularly and care about her.
Do not overuse the line "I love you" because it should only be used on occasions when there is truly an outstanding connection or it loses meaning. In Spanish, the most commonly used form of "I love you" translates as "I want you", the real "I love you" is used much less regularly.
Do not necessarily avoid the lines that seem really cheesy. If they are delivered with passion and are truthful, they can be the best ones. For example, When giving her a dozen roses 11 are real and 1 is a fake, say "I will love you until the last rose dies."
When a song plays on the radio that is romantic, tell her that the song reminds you of her. Then whenever either of you hear the song, you will be reminded of each other.
Reassure her when she feels doubt. She will know that she can always depend on you for her support. Be her rock, tell her everything will be okay.
Actions speak louder than words - In addition to being romantic verbally you should also show your affection in terms of giving her things and spending quality time with her. Why not take her back to the place you first met on your anniversary or write little notes around the house for her to find.
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