Tonight, it's all about you. Is not great to hear a man want to please you for once with no thought about his own satisfaction? Let us just hope he follows through!
Babe, you look HOT!
I love your new haircut. Hey, he noticed!
Thank you. It's nice when he acknowledges that you have done something for him.
What do you think? Some guys never want your input. It is nice to find one who does.
You decide what to do.
I think you are/you will be a great mom. We all have fears about raising children, so it feels really good to hear him say those fears are groundless.
I want to be with you forever.
That was incredible. This is especially nice to hear in the bedroom!
Let's talk. How refreshing. The sweeter the conversation the closer women are drawn to him.
You are really intelligent. Is not it nice to know that he actually listened to what you had to say?
Eh, she is not even close to being as pretty as you.
If you love the cat then I will just have to learn to love him, too. This applies to any type of pet, not just cats, but any man who can accept that your pets are more than just animals is a keeper.
Did you have a good day? At least it shows he cares about how your day went.
You know you are my best friend.
I would never do that to you. Hearing this after telling him what a jerk your ex has been lets you know he is making a list of what not to do.
You smell nice.
You are really good at (fill in the blank)
Can I help?
Tell me how to please you. He wants to learn. Teach him.
Let me cook dinner tonight. This is especially great if he never cooks.
There is nowhere else I would rather be right now. Something of a line, yes, but if he says it and means it, you have struck gold.
You have done enough, let me take care of that.
You have gorgeous eyes.
I think I will skip watching the game to do whatever you want to do.
I like your mother. So he might be lying, but at least by saying this, you know he is not going to cause a scene at dinner!
I took the whole day off to spend with you.
I do not want anyone else. You are the only one for me.
Will you marry me? These words make so many women melt.
I love you. It is the simplest thing he can say, but it's also absolutely perfect.
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