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Best Clean Jokes -- funny guy
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Laughter is Good for You -- Nicky VanValkenburgh
Have you ever thought about laughter as healthy? Over 25 years ago, Dr. Norman Cousins in his book "Anatomy of an Illness" described how watching Marx Brother movies helped him recover from a ...

Funny Poems, SMS Jokes and Funny Jokes - An Analysis of Humor -- Martin P Kerrigan
This article explores the many facets of humor and what makes something funny. From funny jokes, SMS jokes and funny poems to twisted wit and the distinctly odd. The trait of humor is uniquely human. ...

Why Laughter Is Good For You -- Glenn Plaskin
How Laughter Can Reduce Stress and Improve Your Health A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones. -Proverbs 17:22 Feeling stressed out, angry or sad? Dread going ...

What is Humour? -- Ganeshan Ramachandran
WE ALL laugh when we are amused or tickled. The capacity to smile and laugh is hardwired in us. A person who doesn't smile or laugh had better consult his or her doctor. Now the question is what ...

Five Ways to Make Your Family Laugh Out Loud -- Karan Kapoor
Making your Family laugh is best thing in the world. No monetary value or material thing can bring you the feeling that comes when seeing your family laugh. For you as a family member, it is very ...

Re: Viking Trekkies -- DOOG
Just one small disclaimer here. Vikings were Danes. They were Viking when going to war only. All other times, they stowed their Dragons heads, shields etc and became Danes who were traders as you ...

List of Riddles -- Kenny Leones
The Riddle of the Sphinx According to legend, the sphinx perched high above a mountain terrorized travelers but promised safe passage to anyone who could successfully answer her riddle: "What ...

Essential Tip For Humor in the Workplace - Humor in the Workplace is a Serious Matter -- Nara Venditti
We all know that humor is good for you. It is well known that lighthearted laughter will regulate one's blood pressure, accelerate recovery from illness and decrease stress in the workplace. In ...

Jokes-teachers-students.pdf -- kr

Readers-Digest-Best-Jokes.pdf -- biar

Use Humor to Defuse Tension, Befriend and Have More Fun -- Kare Anderson
Humor requires a target. If you make a bulls-eye out of someone weaker, particularly if you initiate the attack, you look like a bully. Take aim, instead, at the powerful. Or, rather than getting ...

A Sense Of Humor Increases Creativity -- Steven Gillman
Does a sense of humor make for a more creative mind? Perhaps. There are certainly many creative and intelligent people who also like to have a good laugh. Consider the following two examples. ...

Developing Your Sense Of Humor -- Joe Love
Having a good sense of humor is one of the most important characteristic of all happy and successful people. A good sense of humor helps you to solve problems, improve your relationships, and have a ...

Pick Up Lines -- Alex Smoke
Pick up or chat up lines are usually said by a man who intends to start a light conversation with a girl he likes and wishes to sleep with. Read on the following pick up lines: 1. I remember seeing ...

The Best Serious Pick Up Lines of All Time - Pick Up Lines That Actually Work -- Mark J Taylor
When attracting women you should employ a whole host of different types of techniques, amongst them is using serious pick up lines. I know some of you may not like the idea of using pick up lines on ...

Pick Up Lines For the Bus -- Peter Hook
Ever wondered how many good looking girls there are in the bus? And how few you have actually talked to over the years? Try this seriously funny ice breaker and you could actually start ranking the ...

My Top 10 Pickup Lines -- Colin Dubb
The best way that I find to start a conversation with women... Is to use something funny and direct. I would always stress that its the ATTITUDE and thought of oneself behind the actual pick-up-line, ...

The Five Best Pick Up Lines of All Time - Pick Up Lines at Their Best -- Mark J Taylor
I am about to reveal to you the five best pick up lines of all time. These lines have been under-estimated by some as a method to attract beautiful girls. There are some seduction gurus who are ...

What the Girl Really Hears When You Use Corny Pick Up Lines -- Mark J Taylor
The reason corny pick up lines don't work is because they say a lot about the person delivering them. Corny pick up lines will only spoil your chances. Guess what? Did you know that there is a ...

Really Corny Pick Up Lines That Girls Find Funny -- Scott Patterson
Every man knows how intimidating it can be to start up a conversation with a beautiful woman. She's surrounded by a group of her friends and you're left to your own devices to come up with ...

10 Sweet Pick Up Lines to Use in a Public Place -- Mark J Taylor
Using sweet pick up lines can be highly effective when attracting a girl, but has to be used in the right context. You should be aware of your surroundings before using a sweet pick up line, you will ...

10 Worst Pick-Up Lines Ever -- Carl Megill
Being a single guy isn't easy these days. In the long run, it's always the woman who makes the final decision as to whether or not anything is going to happen. Using the correct pick-up line ...

Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Smooth Lines You Can Use Now to Spoil Her -- Richard Shelmerdine
Moments always arise where we know we have to do something romantic. Maybe you are going out for the first time in a while or celebrating the pregnancy of your lover. Either way, sometimes you just ...

The Art of Seducing a Man - Make Him Find You Totally Irresistible -- Nicole Gayle
There's but one phrase you can say to a man that will have him thinking about you for days...one way to get his attention without using your body. Women who understand men know that he can keep ...

How to Have Rock Solid Confidence Around Women (Use These Top 3 Killer Methods) -- Derek Rake
Don't make approaching women you fancy too difficult. Relax and believe you can simply walk up to one girl and rock her world with your humor and wit. However, before you can really make women ...

How to Create Attraction Inside Any Woman - In Two Minutes Flat -- Derek Rake
What would it take for any regular guy to attract the the cutest, most adorable babes like magic? Here's a hint: you don't have to have a fat bank account or stunning male model looks to get ...

Fun Conversation Openers That Make Women Interested -- Scott Patterson
For many men, trying to start a conversation with a woman is one of the most nerve wracking things to do. For many men who are meeting women for the first time, trying to come up with conversation ...

Funny Pick-up Lines as Conversation Starters With Girls -- Scott Patterson
Initiating a conversation with an attractive woman is not always an easy task. In fast, it can be quite intimidating to a lot of guys. No, this article is not going to provide you with some humorous ...

Top Seven Funny Pick Up Lines That Will Make Her Laugh -- Mark Taylor
HTML clipboardFunny pick up lines when used at the right time and place has the power to make girls laugh, which will increase your chances of attracting them. As they say, laughter is the best ...

Funny Questions About Life -- Hal Eisenberg
Those Funny Questions About Life Keep On Coming. Ever had one of those funny questions about life? Then please read on. When it comes to funny questions and thoughts about life, every time I think ...

Cheesy Pick Up Lines That Are Funny - Make Her Laugh With Cheesy Pick Up Lines -- Mark J Taylor
Cheesy pick up lines have the powerful effect of making girls smile. You can actually build attraction when applying cheesy pick up lines the right way. The key is in your delivery of the lines. You ...
Re: Cheesy Pick Up Lines That Are Funny - Make Her Laugh With Cheesy Pick Up Lines -- JakeTB
Nice article and lines... :) here are more cheesy pick up lines I borrowed from Cheesy Pick Up Lines Did it hurt? (Did what hurt?) When you fell out of heaven? Was your father a thief? 'Cause ...

10 Sweet Pick Up Lines to Use in a Public Place -- Mark J Taylor
Using sweet pick up lines can be highly effective when attracting a girl, but has to be used in the right context. You should be aware of your surroundings before using a sweet pick up line, you will ...

Top Cute Pick Up Lines That Will Make Her Laugh -- Mark J Taylor
Cute pick up lines when delivered with confidence and a smile on your face will help you look unique in her eyes and possible squeeze a laugh out of her. Confidence is the key when delivering a cute ...

5 Funny Love Poems -- Jay Gilbert
When most people think of love poems, they think of serious and soulful expressions of passion. Long sonnets by Shakespeare or romantic poems by Browning and Lord Byron are the norm for love poetry. ...

Embarrassing Moments - Laughable Foreign Language Mistakes -- Heather Markel
One of the things that often holds us back from practicing a new language is the fear of making a mistake. It's an obvious wound in self-pride if someone laughs at you, or stares in bewilderment ...

30 Phrases That Make Women Fall In Love -- Heather Lee
Tonight, it's all about you. Is not great to hear a man want to please you for once with no thought about his own satisfaction? Let us just hope he follows through! Babe, you look HOT! I love ...

Creative Ways to Say I Love you to your Valentine -- mytrafficshortcuts.com
Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, and the florists and candy makers are getting their inventory ready. But what if you don't want to do the same old tired gift of red roses and ...

The Quickest Way to Know if He Likes you -- mytrafficshortcuts.com
There are secret codes to everything, and the trick is just to unlock them. The second trick is to make sure that once you learn them, you don't ignore the signs and codes. What do I mean by ...
Re: The Quickest Way to Know if He Likes you -- lindsay
~here is my answer.. btw me and him not so close.. The absolute quickest way to know if he likes you is to read his BODY LANGUAGE. Look in his eyes. Are his pupils dialated? Is he looking right at ...

10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Teenage Daughter -- Duncan Kelly
As fathers, we are usually not very good at communicating with our teenage daughters. We can get by, to an extent, by remaining silent as much as possible. Sometimes, though, we have to answer ...

How to Get Your Wife to Like You -- Duncan Kelly
Most marriages start well, and the couple is happy for awhile, maybe even a few years, but then the chemistry starts to fade, and after awhile things settle down into a bit of a rut. Sometimes the ...

Why Having a Laugh is So Important -- Duncan Kelly
We all know the importance of exercise to get our circulation going, strengthen our muscles and keep us mentally sharp, but what about the internal aerobics we should be doing, called laughter? ...

12 Things You Say to Your Teenagers That Are a Total Waste of Breath -- Duncan Kelly
It's a strange fact of life that we say things to our teenagers, that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, they will totally ignore. Yet we continue to say these things in the vain hope that they ...

10 Good Things to Say to Your Wife -- Duncan Kelly
We all know that there are certain things you should never say to your wife, but what about the things that you should be saying to your wife? It's easy to say the wrong thing, but with a bit of ...

How Do You Fix Stuff Without Losing Your Mind? -- Duncan Kelly
Working with my hands was never my strong point. But I can get by, enough to muster the confidence to tackle small jobs. That is, until the forces of nature conspire against me... The vacuum cleaner ...

10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Wife -- Duncan Kelly
Wives can be touchy at times. That's when the going's good. Other times there are things you really don't wanna say. To ensure your continued marital bliss, here are some things you want ...

10 Things to Say in an Elevator If You Want to Ride Alone -- Duncan Kelly
Riding in a crowded elevator can be quite a pain. Sure, everyone needs to get where they are going, but they would also benefit health wise if they used the stairs. Then you could enjoy the airy ...

Joys of a Used Car -- Duncan Kelly
My 1988 VW is not just a used car. It is also a previously abused car. There's bits of airconditioner left bolted on in the engine compartment with big gaps where the working bits should have ...

I Don't Do Mornings -- Duncan Kelly
Some people are morning people. They get up before the sun rises and they go for a run around the local golf course, scaring the bird trying to get the first worm. They get back home for breakfast ...

Give me quotes for a teacher to a student -- answers.yahoo.com
I want to advice my student, so give me some famous quotes from a teacher to a student.

Can you tell me some funny teacher jokes or stories -- answers.yahoo.com
I have a site which is linked to teaching and I would like to add a Teacher Humour page. I would like some good jokes or stories about teachers and teaching... Thank you so much.

Any funny stories about first day at school for pupils or teachers -- answers.yahoo.com
Im looking for funny stories about your first day at High School either as a pupil or as a teacher. In particular anything that happened in Enlgish or Music departments, but any subject is fine.

Laughter Beats Stress -- Scott Wells
You should incorporate some humor in your life. What would it be like to go around in a serious state of mind all the time? You've got to laugh sometime. Laughter is good medicine for you and you ...

Having a Healthy Sense of Humor Can Add Years to Your Life -- Paul Vann
A good laugh is all we need nowadays, besides with all of the challenges we are faced with in life is cause for laughter. Whether it is the financial crisis, economic meltdown, lack of credit in the ...

Things You Should Never Do in Front of a CCTV Security Camera -- Nahshon Roberts
What do you do when confronted with the sight of a CCTV security camera? Do you go on as if it is a speck on the wall worthy of your attention as a, well, speck on the wall? Do you ponder it for a ...

Why I'm a Teacher -- Daris Howard
It was graduation day at the university where I work, and a beautiful day it was, quite unlike the first graduation I attended as a young professor. I recall that at that one the cold south wind had ...

Perpetual Emotion Machine -- Robin T. Day
Are you a perpetual emotion machine? Something to coincider.

Yesterday I Counted to Eternity, Twice. -- Robin Tim Day
Yesterday I counted to eternity, twice!

18 Funny Friendship Quotes To Make You Laugh -- Noel Jameson
No one can make you laugh quite the way your friends can, and there's nothing like sharing a few funny friendship quotes with those closest to you to make your day shine a bit brighter. Here are ...
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