BRS brings back bad memories and apparently nothing has changed at BRS which was and apparently still is the stigma for failure in education in Beijing. Firstly the poster is completely accurate in that BRS was/is the epitome of failure. BRS consisted of all things bad in education. At BRS there was no education. BRS was nothing more than a facade. The exterior of BRS was supposedly that of a well-run upper-crust private school. Once you peel back the layers of rust and deception at BRS what you would find is hot air supported by nothing. The owner of that business was/is good at advertising and putting his best foot forward with a fake corporate smile and selling lies to Chinese parents and overseas schools that wanted to enter into the Chinese market but they did not know any better for a lack of experience. Teacher resources were lacking, classrooms were seriously damaged while teacher housing was and apparently still is condemned based on recent posts. BRS wages were sub-standard and their human resource department was virtually non-existent if and when you had HR related concerns or questions.
BRS had a constant flow of fresh blood to include teachers, managers, and principals in that no sane person would remain in place for more than one semester and many did not last that long. The owner of the business owns some other businesses and he was rarely in the know, in charge, or in control of the demon seed that BRS was/is. Planted in and among poverty stricken villages and dirty industrial businesses BRS is a stones throw away from the end of the world.
There was absolutely nothing to see or do anywhere near BRS and apparently that has not changed either. As the saying goes, the more things change the more they stay the same. At BRS nothing seems to have changed based on recent posts. It was a low-level money laundering front a few years ago and it sounds as if it still is today. Intelligent parents would do well to avoid BRS at all costs with so many better schools in Beijing while teachers would be intelligent to understand the Beijing private school market. There are in fact a few good private schools in Beijing but BRS is certainly not one of them as it was not a school a few years ago and by all accounts it is not a school today. BRS held many contests and other distraction events to keep students and parents distracted from the real reason for being at BRS which should have been to get an education. Their priorities were to make money first and if time permitted they might even alter student grade books for a little RMB under the table.
When I was at BRS I was amazed by the incredible acts of fraud that they were involved with concerning the College Board programs and a handful of third-tier colleges in America. After working at BRS I lost any and all respect for the College Board and any and all of their programs. I cannot imagine how BRS could maintain any kind of a professional relationship with the College Board and I cannot imagine how the College Board would be unaware of all the scandals that BRS had going on. That relationship must have been based on someone's palms and lips being well-greased. If you are a career teacher you simply do not want to work at BRS.
- Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- New Teacher -- 2013-02-15
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- foxy -- 2013-04-04
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- BRS Former -- 2013-02-15
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Tar Heel Yankee -- 2016-02-15
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Essence -- 2013-04-03
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Grant Holley -- 2014-12-10
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Beth -- 2014-12-11
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Tar Heel Yankee -- 2015-11-18
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-28
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- asked and answered -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- Anthony -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- caring -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- The Shining -- 2018-03-29
- Here's Johnny! -- cunning linguist -- 2018-03-29
- Re Here's Johnny! -- Herbert Crossley -- 2019-02-21
- Re Here's Johnny! -- Taffy -- 2019-03-04
- Re Here's Johnny! -- Taffy -- 2018-03-29
- Re Here's Johnny! -- Herbert Crossley -- 2019-02-21
- Re asked and answered -- HSK -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Not a "saint"... -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re Not a "saint"... -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re Not a "saint"... -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Re Not a "saint"... -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Not a "saint"... -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Ol' Boy -- 2018-03-29
- Here's Johnny! -- cunning linguist -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender & Crap School Hater -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- CSH -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- CSH -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender & Crap School Hater -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Beijing Royal School -- FTinPRC -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- The Shining -- 2018-03-29
- Re: Re asked and answered -- Fifi -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- caring -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- Anthony -- 2017-01-30
- asked and answered -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-30
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- easyrider -- 2017-01-28
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-28
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Tar Heel Yankee -- 2015-11-18
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Beth -- 2014-12-11
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Essence -- 2013-04-03
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- BRS Former -- 2013-02-15
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- foxy -- 2013-04-04