I was working there. Do not waste your time applying for employment at BRS. The testing center if you can call it that because it most certainly is not a school is run by a group of liars, con artists, and Chinese retreads. The so-called principal is a clown named Charles Pei. He is a former Chinese citizen that sold out his country for Canada and then after failing in Canada he returned to Beijing to fail on a more grand scale at Beijing Royal School. Gross negligence and criminal negligence are in play at BRS in between deception and fraud. Not only is the sorry excuse for a school falling apart but the school continues to lose money while teachers quit after only one semester and that says it all.
The teacher housing is a shambles with roach filled dorms and leaking toilets while classrooms are in various states of disrepair from mild to wild. The owner of BRS was trying to peddle a satellite education program that was clearly destined to fail and the big calling card for that was a DPRK-like satellite dish on the front lawn of the school that was 10 times the size of what it would need to be in order to accomplish sending and receiving signals. Payroll was on time and the cafeteria food was iffy at best although they were in progress with building a new cafeteria before I left. The biggest focus at BRS was the construction of a new basketball gym which is where most of the already failing rich students hang out all day in between smoke breaks in the bathroom since they are not required to attend classes and if they fail any subject BRS faculty will forge passing grades for them anyway which means that your teaching ability is totally irrelevant. Any college or American embassy would be well-advised to heavily scrutinize any documents from BRS concerning student achievements.
BRS is located at the end of subway line 5 and after that you still need to catch bus 3 to get there and it would be better if BRS were located in North Korea because the owner of the school suffers from extreme narcissistic behavior reminiscent of Kim Jung Il. The man literally has a camera crew and a group of photographers following him around all day. Teacher recruitment is done by a strumpet from the Los Angeles area known as Veronica Prout and this recent student comment about her business sums up the overall package from the vantage point of a student.
Like many so called schools in Beijing BRS is profit orientated and it is not a valid educational institution. It is run by quacks, whacks, and Chinese retreads without a clue. The College Board might like to know about the rampant fraud at BRS as would the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill which is one of their partners in America but as everyone is caught up in the moment of making money it is unlikely that anyone will utter a word. For any newly accredited teacher I would not advise you to work at Beijing Royal School because it will damage your professional reputation. If I were grading BRS it would earn a D- at best.
- Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- New Teacher -- 2013-02-15
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- foxy -- 2013-04-04
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- BRS Former -- 2013-02-15
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Tar Heel Yankee -- 2016-02-15
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Essence -- 2013-04-03
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Grant Holley -- 2014-12-10
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Beth -- 2014-12-11
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Tar Heel Yankee -- 2015-11-18
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-28
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- asked and answered -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- Anthony -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- caring -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- The Shining -- 2018-03-29
- Here's Johnny! -- cunning linguist -- 2018-03-29
- Re Here's Johnny! -- Herbert Crossley -- 2019-02-21
- Re Here's Johnny! -- Taffy -- 2019-03-04
- Re Here's Johnny! -- Taffy -- 2018-03-29
- Re Here's Johnny! -- Herbert Crossley -- 2019-02-21
- Re asked and answered -- HSK -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Not a "saint"... -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re Not a "saint"... -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re Not a "saint"... -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Re Not a "saint"... -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Not a "saint"... -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Ol' Boy -- 2018-03-29
- Here's Johnny! -- cunning linguist -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Chadderton Pride -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender & Crap School Hater -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- CSH -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- CSH -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Tournoi Defender & Crap School Hater -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Beijing Royal School -- FTinPRC -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- The Shining -- 2018-03-29
- Re: Re asked and answered -- Fifi -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- caring -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Uwant Tono -- 2018-03-29
- Re asked and answered -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-30
- Re asked and answered -- Anthony -- 2017-01-30
- asked and answered -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-30
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- easyrider -- 2017-01-28
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-01-29
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Anthony -- 2017-01-28
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Tar Heel Yankee -- 2015-11-18
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Beth -- 2014-12-11
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- Essence -- 2013-04-03
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- BRS Former -- 2013-02-15
- Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS) -- foxy -- 2013-04-04