Dont be miss led by the advert for this school as the name of the school does not exist,there is no XINGZHENG SCHOOL.The name is a figment of the immagination dreamed up by MISS ZHONG XUDONG.The proper name of the school is;The Affiliated High School of Peking University.It is just a brand name and does not reflect the true nature of members of the staff or the administration.Stalag 17 has got nothing on this school,Refer the comments on actual school is in a very isolated rural area with very high concrete walls and razor sharp wire on the top and searchlights abound for those students or foreign teachers who want to flee the school to get away from the Gestapo type running of the school by Miss Zhong Xudong and Co.This school is listed as being one of the most corrupt schools in China.You wont ever get paid on time,if ever.the food there is uneatable and there are severe restrictions on your movements.Teacher Beware.A Very happy ex-teacher