Come to Japan with a minimum of a Bachelors degree. Get the Japan Times monday edition and send your resume to any companies that interest you. Call them and arrange an interview. Go to the interview looking professional.
You will create your own destiny. I have been here on and off for 15 years and just landed a job makingover $60,000 a year, 2 months paid vacation and I work on my tennis game at work.
Anyone with a pulse can teach here and you might try another country if you are looking for teaching satisfaction but the money is here, then again its terribly expensive and quality of life leaves much to be desired.
Dear Mr/Ms:
Hi my name is Angela, I am currently an undergraduate student at Kwantlen University College. I am doing a research paper and presentation on certain job descriptions, my topic is about teachers teaching in foreign countries whether it be asian pacific areas or in a more rural undeveloped places. I have looked at several websites regarding teaching in other countries and i have come upon yours. I am very interested in the job opportunities listed there and would like to have more detail information regarding the job. I would be very much appreciated if i can have someone whom have taught in a foreign country before, to interview or email my list of questions about the job. Thank you for taking time reading this. It would be great if i can have a reply in the next day or two since my paper is due in a week. Again thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerely, Angela Teng
Here's a list of the questions i'm hopin to get some answers to:
How did you came upon finding this job/opportunity?
What are the hight and low points that you experienced or my friend should know before she goes for the job?
What do you do mostly in this job? day, week, year? Where the ##### goes/spent?
How much of your day time is spent dealing with students? any neg/ positives things i should know?
what is the time management like? how do you manage your timetable?
Was is flexible? what are the challenges?
What are the stress levels i might encounter and how to handle the stresses?
The things that you found really enjoy in this job? the dislikes?
What are the things/skills that you would recommend, or value about the education you take?
Any extra curriculums that i should prepare and take before hand?
What are the social, enviroment responsibilities i would have to face?
What is the estimated range of wages that a begginer might earn?
What are the things to do on free #####? readings?
And any details that i and my friend should know up front before we get ourself into this job or start applying for this position. So that we can have a good overview of the job and what it really needs, so we can decide whether we are ready for this kind of opportunity or if there's any skills/ education we might need, or willing ot put in the time for it.
Food, weather, language etc...