If you are looking for a job in China, I would recommend that you avoid Cixi Experimental Middle School. I was there just over three months and it was a nightmare. Contract items were ignored, we were lied to repeatedly, especially about obtaining a work visa for us, life in dormatory was intolerable ( hot water for only one hour a day 5:00pm to six pm..which was also dinner time...shower or eat ???, went for two weeks with no water to flush the toilet, frequently had no water at the sink, could not get room any warmer than 12*C even with tiny heater that was provided going 24 hrs a day on highest setting) frequent electrical power outages, most of the food in the cafeteria was very poor quality and almost always cold. I could go on more but I think you get the idea now. I should mention that you can not send money out of the country if you only have a visitors visa and when you leave you have to have a receipt for foreign money that you changed into RMB when you went into the country. Currency exchange at airports there will only let you change same number of RMB back to dollars when you leave.
- China info -- Jim -- 2004-03-17
- Re: China info -- connie -- 2004-04-05
- Re: China info -- Mike -- 2004-03-22
- Re: China info -- Budda -- 2004-03-23
- Re: China info -- Budda -- 2004-03-18
- Re: China info -- DoS -- 2004-06-21
- Re: China info -- Sarah -- 2004-03-18
- Re: China info -- Mike -- 2004-03-22
- Re: China info -- connie -- 2004-04-05