Jim I should have said: Cost of living is low in Korea EXCEPT for Seoul. If I were living in Seoul I would ask for more than the 2 millon a month, maybe 2.2 million.
Basic food costs are higher as are restaurants and cover-charges etc.
People in Seoul have the best manners and education but the pace of life, the crowds and the dust and pollution keep me away, even for a weekend holiday. Cheju, or Jeju Island in the south is beautiful, clean and subtropical with bird song, pineapples, orange trees and a volcanic mountain but feels a little isolated. One year would be good.
People teach in Korea for several reasons. If you want to make some money you have to:
1. Get 2 million/month standard contract for 120 teaching house a week (no weekend work. It is still not a big salary but cost of living is low in Korea as are taxes.
2. Get the apt. free with the contract.
3. Keep your expenses down. Don't buy a lot of things you cannot take home furniture). Learn to live simply.
4. Do over-time and/or teach a bit privately on the weekend.
5. Put your money in the bank at 4% interest. It is quite a good rate and consider this a bonus to your income.
6. Don't leave the country and the apt. till you get your return ticket money and severance pay from your school.
7. Stay healthy.
There are lots of wonderful things to see and do here, food, travel history. I year is not enough unless you are very energetic.
"Best money is in Japan" but the cost of living is so high and many older Japanese still dislike foreigners. I have had a taste of it. Korea is fine if you work for a good director in a stable school. All schools I have worked for muck around with pension/severance money in one way or another. It is white colar crime and there is still lots of that in Korea. The president Roh was just removed from office last week, the past president Kim Dae-joong was caught transfering millions to North Korea (It got him a Nobel Peace Prize, but he has not returned it.) the mayor of Busan hung himself in prison because of taking bribes. Anybody coming to Korea should come and see the school first, see your accomidation, meet the director and work in the school a month and only then sign a contract. That is my best advice. Don't buy a pig in a poke.
Hey TG, can you explain details. I'm interested in Korea too.
I need to know the good and bad things about teaching in Korea for a young couple, apt conditions (badroom, shower, kitchen inside), severance month, taxes, ....
Thanks. jim