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Re What's Your Ass Worth?
The Shadow Knows
- 2019-03-13
In response to Re What's Your Ass Worth? (FTinPRC)
As a matter of legal fact, I can.
You can call Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or any Chinese consulate.
Its a well-established fact.
Foreigners, in China, have a maximum allowable death benefit of 600,000 RMB.
That is the cap.
That is not a PICC company policy.
It is China law.
That is the ceiling that any foreigner can claim and receive award for in a court of law anywhere in China.
Messages In This Thread
- What's Your Ass Worth? -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-02-27
- Re What's Your Ass Worth? -- FTinPRC -- 2019-03-04
- Re What's Your Ass Worth? -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-03-13
- Re What's Your Ass Worth? -- FTinPRC -- 2019-03-04
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Re What's Your Ass Worth?