Mr SeeL,It made my day recognising your sign of life on the teachers discussion forum just now, as I have not checked in here for a long time, and saw that your post has not been removed as of yet, so thought I would reply.
Hahaha! Brilliant post if you know the history like wot I do. The trouble is your post reeks of 'an ongoing conversation' and I fear that that in turn pongs of just too much work for the new arty-crafty kids who have held up and and snatched this rather dubious gravy-train. I'll even send you this as I fear you won't get even get it, unless you e-mail me on the e-mail at the top of this . HAHAHAHA! That wos Irish wosn't it!!
The other thing is this, that cunning Norfolk lad, Mr Seal, won't even answer this if wot he could, cos it's too good, you should have toned down the post lulling him into thinking he was up to it haha!
I have stopped running ,in favour of transforming my garage into a gym, complete with exercise bike.
Mr SeeL,
It made my day recognising your sign of life on the teachers discussion forum just now, as I have not checked in here for a long time, and saw that your post has not been removed as of yet, so thought I would reply.
Describing your previous activities, you should be envied for your stamina. Life begins at fifty or sixty it would seem! Your secret? Could it be your ancestors, protected from the barbarians by Hadrian’s Wall, whose unpolluted genes allowed unhampered transmission of hereditary characteristics?
When I’m talking to people about the British sense of humour, I cite Mr SeeL when he shared with ESLTB readers his first hospital appointment in the PR of China. The costly treatment he received led him to the conclusion the doctor had laid the foundation for his own old-age pension!
I remember Mr Seel’s writings where he would not suffer fools gladly, and he came across as very erudite and well informed. Apart from being an author,columnist,editor,university lecturer in the UK, and english teacher in China (his own words), he revealed his literary talent by referring ‘agonised’ and ‘teeth-grinding’ to some posts as ‘verbal diarrhoea’ and quoting 'get a gripp!' when referencing Charles Dickens. In this connection he was citing Shakespeare’s words: “It is a tale, full of sound and fury… signifying nothing !”
Should Mr Seel, due to the ongoing brexit pantomime, encounter problems with his winter fuel allowance I’m inclined to have the Ukrainian gardeners chop down the pine tree in the back garden at the family home for firewood to ensure against hypothermia.
I return Mr Seel’s post on here by wishing him many happy years in China or the UK (I think he mentioned returning there for good, some years back) and keep my fingers crossed the economical relation with his doctor has improved.
Best regards,
The Shining - 2017-08-31
Johnny isn’t here.
I got this link in an email:
You end your post with: “Oh well, just getting a round in for SB, San Migs, Cunning Linguist. They are all here.”
In the many years I posted on the Board, I only once used another alias – SeeL. The post presented a picture of a Chinese girl that I claimed was my girlfriend and whose father had lots of money. It was a fabrication to prove a point that anyone can say anything on the Forum. After a few responses I came clean and admitted to the hoax.
Now, you seem to think I have returned to the Board using another alias. Let me put the record straight. Well over a year ago, 14 months to be precise, I wrote to the Admin of this Board asking for all my contributions to be removed. I also informed them that I would not be posting again. Nothing has changed and I have not written any posts since 2016. There, fixed that for you.
CL ( or SeeL, if you like)
PS In due course, this will be removed as well.
All sounds a bit determined and intractable to me. I shouldn't like to become a prisoner of my own decisions- nice to do U-Turns occasionally as one changes throughout life...unless one never changes...gets stuck in a straight-jacket.
The Shining - 2017-08-31
Johnny isn’t here.
I got this link in an email:
You end your post with: “Oh well, just getting a round in for SB, San Migs, Cunning Linguist. They are all here.”
In the many years I posted on the Board, I only once used another alias – SeeL. The post presented a picture of a Chinese girl that I claimed was my girlfriend and whose father had lots of money. It was a fabrication to prove a point that anyone can say anything on the Forum. After a few responses I came clean and admitted to the hoax.
Now, you seem to think I have returned to the Board using another alias. Let me put the record straight. Well over a year ago, 14 months to be precise, I wrote to the Admin of this Board asking for all my contributions to be removed. I also informed them that I would not be posting again. Nothing has changed and I have not written any posts since 2016. There, fixed that for you.
CL ( or SeeL, if you like)
PS In due course, this will be removed as well.
FYI: T was working for an international organization, originally founded in Kenya in 2004 that developed and spread from there to different parts of the world across several continents. Kenya, Haiti and Nepal were those nations where T spent most of his time building, managing and handing over project management to native people after some time. He was able to speak several languages fluently with an interest in and a feeling of respect for traditional native cultures and a good sense of humor. As had been said before, though not infallible an honest and a good man with a great vision and mission.
I don't know, Pet, all that you mention seems to quite rightly have saintly attributes about it! There have been pathetic individuals over the years harping on about his English Grammar, that it sucks. But hang on a minute; if you compare him without qualifying to native speakers on the board, like, for example, the Trump poster, SB, Caring, O'Shei, well it would suck, but what you need to realise is that T is a world-class expert in the mechanics of English and many other languages. If we can compare his abilities with Albert Einstein and recall that he needed assistance to do simple maths on the blackboard but found complicated mathematics a walk in the park, then that is T with English, I think.
I am sure T wouldn’t consider himself a "saint“ or "the salt of the earth“. He always did the best he could do for his students, and they loved him for that. His weak points may be his extremely stubborn and occasionally impatient personality at administrative and management level in the projects he was responsible for. He is a hard worker; after a long working day, people could still see the light burning in his office even after midnight. He preferred flat hierarchies and used to follow a cooperative leadership style. He often had to face unfavorable working circumstances like electricity cuts, slow internet, suffering from malaria and other infections in developing nations and was motivating and inspiring his colleagues and co-workers (all of them volunteers) to carry on in situations where others would have given up already - like in the 2010 Haiti earthquake that destroyed entire infrastructures with different local schools and churches as parts of the project in various areas of Haiti. He could also be very rude and lose temper when facing dishonesty, corruption and mismanagement. Still then, he was seen as an honest person fully committed to what he was working for. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that there are many people like his former students in these non-profit projects who feel they are in his debt.
That's all history now. Let's get back to more current and more relevant issues like dishonest schools in China...

I am sure T wouldn’t consider himself a "saint“ or "the salt of the earth“. He always did the best he could do for his students, and they loved him for that. His weak points may be his extremely stubborn and occasionally impatient personality at administrative and management level in the projects he was responsible for. He is a hard worker; after a long working day, people could still see the light burning in his office even after midnight. He preferred flat hierarchies and used to follow a cooperative leadership style. He often had to face unfavorable working circumstances like electricity cuts, slow internet, suffering from malaria and other infections in developing nations and was motivating and inspiring his colleagues and co-workers (all of them volunteers) to carry on in situations where others would have given up already - like in the 2010 Haiti earthquake that destroyed entire infrastructures with different local schools and churches as parts of the project in various areas of Haiti. He could also be very rude and lose temper when facing dishonesty, corruption and mismanagement. Still then, he was seen as an honest person fully committed to what he was working for. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that there are many people like his former students in these non-profit projects who feel they are in his debt.
That's all history now. Let's get back to more current and more relevant issues like dishonest schools in China...
I get all choked up. He's a saint. He's the salt of the earth.
I know T personally and have worked with him in a college project in Nepal for some years. I have never met a person like him with such a passion for quality education addressing students in developing nations who, for financial reasons, are normally deprived of such opportunities. Currently, he is still active in working on his book projects but has given up all other work and ceased to post on sites like this one.
I know T personally and have worked with him in a college project in Nepal for some years. I have never met a person like him with such a passion for quality education addressing students in developing nations who, for financial reasons, are normally deprived of such opportunities. Currently, he is still active in working on his book projects but has given up all other work and ceased to post on sites like this one.
What "appears" is that the board is still full of "Turnoi" or Dr. Turnjakunen or who knows what other user name he may have/may be using.
Something funny going on ,Caring, like something out of Steven King's novel. The forum seems to be full of new posters but they are all writing as if they have been here for years contributing....but they have only just got here! Haven't they? Yes, seems to be echoes of Turnoi, but caricatures, unreal, not really him...almost written by the janitor of some deserted hotel, far flung. Oh well, just getting a round in for SB, San Migs, Cunning Linguist. They are all here.

Tournoi must have hurt you with his rightful bashing of crap pretend schools and their lackeys. Folks like you seem to deserve it. This post has been made in your shame and his honor.
Turnoi is a wonderful wonderful man, totally committed to defending the rights of innocent foreign teachers under the cosh of pretend schools in China. And indeed warning them off before they fall for the lies of so called training centres and their likes. It's clear that he's been thwarted from his purpose and grievously betrayed by pretend supporters on this site. It's all very sad and I have cried a couple of times about it all.
Hi Nate, my friend...nice to meet you on here!
from people who really shouldn't be allowed to work in schools and are better suited as rude taxi drivers, or cabinet makers,or house painters.
You will be asked to put on dancing monkey show on Monday mornings in front of the whole school, while the students point and laugh at you.
"If you don't live in China and don't work in ESl, you don't know what you are talking about ..."
If you had bothered to read my original post, your utter ignorance would now not be on display with your last comment. I used to work in China at BRS and I was defending a person I personally knew whom Trump diplomacy had called a "BRS shill". See my original comment at;read=134674.
What "appears" is that the board is still full of "Turnoi" or Dr. Turnjakunen or who knows what other user name he may have/may be using. This board sadly justifies the Chinese government's request for internet companies to stop the online anonymity.
If you don't live in China and don't work in ESl, you don't know what you are talking about but comment on people you don't know who know what they are talking about. Go back to school and get a life!
Show me where I have ever advocated for Chinese ESL owners? FYI, I don't live in China.
Show me where I have ever advocated for Chinese ESL owners? FYI, I don't live in China.
Yes. Crooks need to be exposed, dishonest school owners in ESL must be blamed, and their cronies like you should be bashed for what they are.
Is that the best you can do?
Is that the best you can do? The circumference of your imagination is indeed small. Dolts and imbiciles radiate stupidity. Please don't join them by replying.
your reply is a great example of mental flatulence!!
Dunno what mental flatulence means. Does it mean pretend teacher or dishonest school owner?
Turnoi is probably the brainiest person we have ever had on this board. I am afraid 'diatribe' was often his second name. But since when did diatribe necessarily become wrong or ugly- especially when you are dealing with evil Chinese schools and such like? Turnoi was honest ,trustworthy and reliable and we shall never see his like again.
Whether someone is all-knowing or not is a relative matter.
In one's own peer group, nobody would expect another person to be all-knowing.
This, however, may well be the case when pretend teachers and uneducated folks like you try to talk to well-educated people but only produce irrelevant rubbish and diatribe in what they are saying and writing.
The rubbish that the ESL market actually is proves itself in post like yours, coming from a pretend teacher....
your reply is a great example of mental flatulence!! I hope you enjoyed your rancid rant,lol
Whether someone is all-knowing or not is a relative matter.
In one's own peer group, nobody would expect another person to be all-knowing.
This, however, may well be the case when pretend teachers and uneducated folks like you try to talk to well-educated people but only produce irrelevant rubbish and diatribe in what they are saying and writing.
The rubbish that the ESL market actually is proves itself in post like yours, coming from a pretend teacher....
I am a former teacher of BRS and I have nothing good to say of the
Thank you for your contribution.
Although it appears that Turnoi has left the board (for whatever reason), it seems that the following comment posted over 4 years ago by Larry re Turnoi still applies!!
"What people need to do TOURNOI is to scroll down and notice that you AND about 4 others have comments on almost every post listed here. All negative and all slander not really knowing a DAMN THING YOUR TALKING ABOUT...... You run your mouth on every blog here not really knowing a clue of what your talking about. Do you even have a job? I'm starting to think maybe not. Get a life and mind your own business."
I understand Turnoi that you are now retired in the Netherlands (see;read=127794) and that is perhaps why I can't find any recent posts of yours.
But it appears that Larry was on to something. Turnoi, oh prescient one, are you omnipotent and all knowing? I am a former teacher of BRS and I have nothing good to say of the place. I personally know Anthony and for Trump diplomacy's information, he is most definitely NOT a shill for BRS, lol!! He has had his own run-ins with that school! But don’t let facts get in the way of your silly, ignorant and misinformed posts, right Turnoi or Trump diplomacy?
Be forewarned, I will be posting your full correspondence with the anonymous me on this forum.
He he he... Funny... He will have to be cautious with everybody who write to him.... :o)
I prefer to engage in private corresponence.
As I explained earlier, my school email address was only an initial point of contact and I
would reply to inquiries from a private email address off the school server. Inquirers
could still remain anonymous at this stage if they choose to do so.
Sounds enticing, although I don't know how one remains anonymous by sending an email to a school server.
Anyway: I'm in. I will be contacting you soon, maintaining my anonymity.
Be forewarned, I will be posting your full correspondence with the anonymous me on this forum.
At that point we may all judge whether your intent is to recruit for BRS.
Perhaps you truly just want to warn us about the Hebei smog, the festive village nightlife, and the two hour commute to Chaoyang.
Why would you not choose to post your opinions of BRS for all "potential new FTs".
I prefer to engage in private corresponence.
Why would you request that they sacrifice their anonymity by communicating with you on a BRS
email server?
As I explained earlier, my school email address was only an initial point of contact and I would reply to inquiries from a private email address off the school server. Inquirers could still remain anonymous at this stage if they choose to do so.
BRS is bleeding teachers and hoping for a transfusion of
new FT blood.
This may well be true but I am not privy to BRS's recruiting strategy. I have no hand or part in it.
I have not insulted you
You called me a" BRS shill" in a previous post. That is hardly a compliment now, is it?
I am providing an explanation of
BRS recruitment tactics and the current FT market in China so that FTs may make an
informed decision.
I commend your efforts in this regard.
I do not live in a gutter.
I am glad to hear that.
My only reason for writing to this board is to let potental new FTs to BRS know MY opinion of the school (good and bad) if they were interested in joining. Is this beyond "Trump Diplomacy's comprehension"?
Why would you not choose to post your opinions of BRS for all "potential new FTs".
Why would you request that they sacrifice their anonymity by communicating with you on a BRS email server?
I've explained the reason for that: BRS is bleeding teachers and hoping for a transfusion of new FT blood.
casting personal insults and displaying infantile behaviour.
if I was to discover that s/he too dwells in the gutter? Only s/he can answer
that question.
I have not insulted you. I have not critiqued the school. I am providing an explanation of BRS recruitment tactics and the current FT market in China so that FTs may make an informed decision.
I do not live in a gutter.
Again, I have nothing to hide and that is why I am not cowardly hiding behind some nome de plume casting personal insults and displaying infantile behaviour. My only reason for writing to this board is to let potental new FTs to BRS know MY opinion of the school (good and bad) if they were interested in joining. Is this beyond "Trump Diplomacy's comprehension"? I sincerely hope not, but then again would I be surprised if I was to discover that s/he too dwells in the gutter? Only s/he can answer that question.
FYI, I have never met or spoken to Grant Holley; nor is there a Beth at BRS (or at least with
that email address that I am aware of)
We look forward to the next BRS shill.
Advise him to use a QQ email. Even are forum's homegrown daffy demented posters can manage that.
FYI, I have never met or spoken to Grant Holley; nor is there a Beth at BRS (or at least with that email address that I am aware of). So your implied suggestion that there is somehow a "coordinated" damage control campaign being conducted by me/us is frankly just ludicrious and not worthy of further comment.
All I am saying is that if you want an informed opinion about this school you can contact me
How kind of you.
And how kind of Grant at
And how kind of Beth at
Such consistent institutional kindness. As Dr. Phil is wont to say: "How's that working for you?"
People never say: "I'm doing damage control." They say:
All I am saying is that if you want an informed opinion about this school you can contact me
First of all, I am not acting on behalf of BRS and those at the school who know me would never consider me to be a "yes" man. So I am NOT doing damage control for BRS. Second, I have never taught English at BRS. Third, this is not a sales pitch for BRS but the opportunity for FTs who are considering this school to contact me if they so desire. You can contact me at this email address and I will reply to you using a non-school account if you prefer. All I am saying is that if you want an informed opinion about this school you can contact me. I am not afraid to use my school email address as an initial point of contact and that is the only reason why I included it in my original post.
Easyrider and Silverboy, your natural habitat and abode may well be the gutter but I don't intend to join you. So rather than making ad hominem attacks, is it beyond your wit and intelligence to address ISSUES at, with or concerning BRS? I would hope that you are honourable people and that you conduct yourselves in a way that doesn't bring that presumption into doubt. Best wishes to you both.
if you want a fully informed opinion
on BRS feel free to contact me at
Very interesting thread if you read ALL the posts.
BRS received a couple of bad reviews in 2014. Throughout 2016 and just now, the only posts were positive from two 'teachers' who used school email addresses.
Why do damage control when for a couple of years no one has said anything?
Beijing has been particularly strict on vetting foreign teachers and enforcing the new NES status, degree and experience requirements.
Schools in Beijing (particularly if like BRS they are far from downtown on the border of Hebei) are having a terrible time finding FTs. Unlike private language school chains and public schools in 2nd tier cities, they cannot 'rebrand' Russians and East European teachers by using bogus degrees and credentials.
If you are a NES qualified FT now, the market conditions favor your search for new employment for September 2017. Be selective about salary, location, and quality of employer.
And be EXCEEDINGLY distrustful of school and recruiter 'sales' pitches like this one from Anthony. As Turnoi would have said years ago, the crocodiles are very very hungry.
You must be a real loser to live in China for that long! I bet you even study Chinese you sad [edited]
I have worked at BRS full time in Beijing since July 2008 and not one who, though employed by BRS, merely drops by occassionally. So if you want a fully informed opinion on BRS feel free to contact me at
Hey Folks,
If you would like another opinion on BRS please reach out to me at .
I am a 26 year veteran public high school teacher who has taken a one year position at BRS and my thoughts differ significantly from the review as put forth in this post.
I can attest that just about everything in this post is incorrect, misleading, or grossly overstated.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hey Folks,
Allow me to second Grant Holley's remarks about BRS. I am a veteran classroom teacher from the States who accepted a one year position at BRS. I work with a solid group of expats and Chinese educators. The foreign teacher affairs office was a godsend to me and made my transition from the States to this "other world" a lot easier for me and my daughter....oh yes, she attends the high school here and is loving the experience. Feel free to email me with questions: we are always looking for good people!
Hi Grant, please accept my apologies for the hate you got from the board. Unfortunately the old guard fail to look past the fact you're a TC. They don't/didn't evaluate each centre on their own merit and would believe the negative without second thought for factors such as disgruntled employees or people who expect western style home comforts without exception despite living in an Asian country, or even local competitors hoping to get an advantage.
It's good that you have recognised there were problems in the past and that you are working to correct them and move forward. If only more schools were so open about past issues, rather than be worried about losing face, more progress could be made to weed out the truly bad places and see the positives of the good places.
Again, I actually work for this school and the comments in this thread are very old. Administration has changed and the school has made incredible changes. I am not sure why my post in another thread got so much venom by message board I am sure this one will as well. Anyone reading this PLEASE do REAL research and do not take the comments by some very angry people as the gospel.....this is crazy. Our school is a Pre-K through High School where teachers from many cultures come together. We did just launch a 1 to 1 iPad program that has many of our competitors angry....maybe this is where these harsh comments are coming from? Anyway, I am at a loss.....please come past our school if you are in Beijing and see for yourself!
BRS sounds like a bad option. However, some FTs know how to survive for the duration of their contracts at such lousy schools, which China has too many of. I suppose it all depends on whether you are capable of putting up with a high level of crap in order to earn your pay. If you can find a better place that will employ you, go there instead. If not, you can work for BRS as a last resort. I'd avoid all training centres if I were you. Public sector is best, then private sector. But training centres are the worst. My advice, take it or leave it -good luck wherever you end up teaching. Your choice, mate!
BRS brings back bad memories and apparently nothing has changed at BRS which was and apparently still is the stigma for failure in education in Beijing. Firstly the poster is completely accurate in that BRS was/is the epitome of failure. BRS consisted of all things bad in education. At BRS there was no education. BRS was nothing more than a facade. The exterior of BRS was supposedly that of a well-run upper-crust private school. Once you peel back the layers of rust and deception at BRS what you would find is hot air supported by nothing. The owner of that business was/is good at advertising and putting his best foot forward with a fake corporate smile and selling lies to Chinese parents and overseas schools that wanted to enter into the Chinese market but they did not know any better for a lack of experience. Teacher resources were lacking, classrooms were seriously damaged while teacher housing was and apparently still is condemned based on recent posts. BRS wages were sub-standard and their human resource department was virtually non-existent if and when you had HR related concerns or questions.
BRS had a constant flow of fresh blood to include teachers, managers, and principals in that no sane person would remain in place for more than one semester and many did not last that long. The owner of the business owns some other businesses and he was rarely in the know, in charge, or in control of the demon seed that BRS was/is. Planted in and among poverty stricken villages and dirty industrial businesses BRS is a stones throw away from the end of the world.
There was absolutely nothing to see or do anywhere near BRS and apparently that has not changed either. As the saying goes, the more things change the more they stay the same. At BRS nothing seems to have changed based on recent posts. It was a low-level money laundering front a few years ago and it sounds as if it still is today. Intelligent parents would do well to avoid BRS at all costs with so many better schools in Beijing while teachers would be intelligent to understand the Beijing private school market. There are in fact a few good private schools in Beijing but BRS is certainly not one of them as it was not a school a few years ago and by all accounts it is not a school today. BRS held many contests and other distraction events to keep students and parents distracted from the real reason for being at BRS which should have been to get an education. Their priorities were to make money first and if time permitted they might even alter student grade books for a little RMB under the table.
When I was at BRS I was amazed by the incredible acts of fraud that they were involved with concerning the College Board programs and a handful of third-tier colleges in America. After working at BRS I lost any and all respect for the College Board and any and all of their programs. I cannot imagine how BRS could maintain any kind of a professional relationship with the College Board and I cannot imagine how the College Board would be unaware of all the scandals that BRS had going on. That relationship must have been based on someone's palms and lips being well-greased. If you are a career teacher you simply do not want to work at BRS.
I was working there. Do not waste your time applying for employment at BRS. The testing center if you can call it that because it most certainly is not a school is run by a group of liars, con artists, and Chinese retreads. The so-called principal is a clown named Charles Pei. He is a former Chinese citizen that sold out his country for Canada and then after failing in Canada he returned to Beijing to fail on a more grand scale at Beijing Royal School. Gross negligence and criminal negligence are in play at BRS in between deception and fraud. Not only is the sorry excuse for a school falling apart but the school continues to lose money while teachers quit after only one semester and that says it all.
The teacher housing is a shambles with roach filled dorms and leaking toilets while classrooms are in various states of disrepair from mild to wild. The owner of BRS was trying to peddle a satellite education program that was clearly destined to fail and the big calling card for that was a DPRK-like satellite dish on the front lawn of the school that was 10 times the size of what it would need to be in order to accomplish sending and receiving signals. Payroll was on time and the cafeteria food was iffy at best although they were in progress with building a new cafeteria before I left. The biggest focus at BRS was the construction of a new basketball gym which is where most of the already failing rich students hang out all day in between smoke breaks in the bathroom since they are not required to attend classes and if they fail any subject BRS faculty will forge passing grades for them anyway which means that your teaching ability is totally irrelevant. Any college or American embassy would be well-advised to heavily scrutinize any documents from BRS concerning student achievements.
BRS is located at the end of subway line 5 and after that you still need to catch bus 3 to get there and it would be better if BRS were located in North Korea because the owner of the school suffers from extreme narcissistic behavior reminiscent of Kim Jung Il. The man literally has a camera crew and a group of photographers following him around all day. Teacher recruitment is done by a strumpet from the Los Angeles area known as Veronica Prout and this recent student comment about her business sums up the overall package from the vantage point of a student.
Like many so called schools in Beijing BRS is profit orientated and it is not a valid educational institution. It is run by quacks, whacks, and Chinese retreads without a clue. The College Board might like to know about the rampant fraud at BRS as would the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill which is one of their partners in America but as everyone is caught up in the moment of making money it is unlikely that anyone will utter a word. For any newly accredited teacher I would not advise you to work at Beijing Royal School because it will damage your professional reputation. If I were grading BRS it would earn a D- at best.
I am a newly licensed teacher and I am visiting friends in Beijing while looking at employment options. I am wondering if any teachers here have worked at Beijing Royal School. I took bus 3 there and it is far from the city center and the school looks run down and shoddy. I see that they seem to be hiring teachers for every subject a school could teach. I do speak Chinese and from what I understand they cannot keep teachers there because the principal is an incompetent idiot. For the short-term would some place like Beijing Royal School be an option for some China teaching experience or should I avoid it and look elsewhere?
Thank you for your time