No but some corrupt Americans have. Few of them destroy the whole great idea of what the world should look like in the future. So much for life on Earth; we need to be either CCP or American
Ever been to Venezuela?
If Venezuelans returning from US were scrutinized, there wouldn't be such as mess today. If Americans didn't influence Venezuela, there wouldn't be such a mess today. Spying's become a fashionable trend for some powers to gain a competitive edge as well as a degree of authority in the region of interest.
The western (free) world has had its chances to lead by example but lost to the ones who have learnt from their mistakes. Venezuelans are opening their eyes today while Chinese have realized "a few days ago" what it would be like with the foreign influence on their soil. Venezuelans' American educated Guado has his fingers in the current power outages which is why Chinese politicians won't be able to accomplish (probably ever).
Oh. I see...It was not the corrupt dictator from hell screwing the Venezuelan people... it was Trump.
Ever been to Venezuela?
Try it some time.
Any Americans returning from China need to be interviewed and tax audited to confirm any foreign-owned bank accounts, student loan debt examined and interviewed by the FBI for their support of CCP.
We're assisting our young generation to contribute to the human society regardless where we are from. Attempting to put some young people down for where they come from or for their local politicians, in my humble opinion, may not be as correct. Our nations aren't so innocent in the area of spying on others as the CIA agents caught in China recently prove otherwise. For yeas after the WWII, we've witnessed such a horrible trend from the developed world that does not lead by example at all. Currently, pushing the Venezuelans over their edge is discpicable to say the least. So, let's start educating ourselves.
More details on Chinese students being used to spy on the USA. Stop helping them.