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Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China
- 2019-02-02
In response to Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China (The CFT Watchers)
Just as psychologists see phobias behind every blink and police believe they are able to 'sense' criminal behavior and Christians see the devil fighting for every soul and Trump understands the world through his 'gut', CFT Watchers project complaints they have processed onto an entire country's educational system.
The majority of accredited foreign teachers in China have experiences that balance joy with difficulty, as do all teachers in the world. I suggest you research the state of adjunct professors in the U.S. and compare it to Chinese university behavior.
The world is a complex place CFT, beware anyone who claims to possess all the answers.
Messages In This Thread
- A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China -- The CFT Watchers -- 2019-01-10
- Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China -- FTinPrc -- 2019-01-18
- Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China -- The CFT Watchers -- 2019-02-01
- Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China -- FTinPRC -- 2019-02-02
- Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-24
- Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China -- The CFT Watchers -- 2019-02-01
- Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China -- FTinPrc -- 2019-01-18
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Re A warning to young teachers about the propaganda of teaching in China