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Re Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED!
- 2019-02-03
In response to Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED! (The Shadow Knows)
Yes, I read about this. I think it is great!
There are already too many nasty people doing the same thing...at least it is a reduction in numbers.
Messages In This Thread
- Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED! -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-02-01
- Re Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED! -- FTinPRC -- 2019-02-02
- Re Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED! -- eslguy -- 2019-02-03
- Re Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED! -- Kilian -- 2019-02-06
- Re Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED! -- ohyeah -- 2019-02-08
- Re Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED! -- eslguy -- 2019-02-03
- Re Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED! -- FTinPRC -- 2019-02-02
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Re Chinese birth tourism DESTROYED!