Those training centres employing you illegally are a scam, and you will help them ripp-off Chinese kids and their parents. You have no ethics whatsoever, haven't you?
You should better look at the corpses near your house instead of posting your usual drivel on here...LOOOL
Can I be forgiven feeling that we experienced an era of particular manic magic where the castoffs of developed Western societies prowled classrooms as China's foreign language education crawled from its infancy? A time when 'institutes of higher learning' turned their poor children over to white-faced ex-models, 12 steppers, alimony escapees, and back-pack lotharios.
I do miss those days.
Yes indeed, Halcyon Days. I suppose though “it's an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)” and even octogenarian white married-to-Chinese men can demand their own prices at training centres, should they wish to work unofficially. Good to hear from you.
Dear Taffy,
Hope all is well, familial and digestive.
It appears to my smog-stained eyes that China's education industry has changed markedly from our era.
Many of the private schools are sans-waijiao now. Even the prestigious high-schools have pared the number of foreign teachers to a handful that are relatively well-paid and credentialed. Agencies and recruiters still play wack-a-mole with immigration police in 2nd tier cities, but their profits and numbers are dwindling.
University English departments are shrinking, a result of both birth-rates and reduced interest in foreign grad school/ employment.
Can I be forgiven feeling that we experienced an era of particular manic magic where the castoffs of developed Western societies prowled classrooms as China's foreign language education crawled from its infancy? A time when 'institutes of higher learning' turned their poor children over to white-faced ex-models, 12 steppers, alimony escapees, and back-pack lotharios.
I do miss those days.
Hopefully, you still have the corpses near you house providing company in your loneliness..
I do miss the likes of you on the forum (not that you are not a one-off)
Your writing indentifies you as a citizen of Asia (comma splices and subject/verb agreement). Since this website now only posts comments of this quality and screens out criticism (no doubt this post will not be posted), I can only assume that the site has been purchased by an English-illiterate individual who is milking the last remnants of adv-click income.
Good luck with that.
Hahaha! Well, Trumpsey, it's clearly been reluctantly dragged into the New Year by some old rusty milk-churn laden Del Boy opportunist dairy worker, who wot bort it for a song and wants to flog it on for twice the dosh- but we can't be sure, maybe Fifi and co got fed up. Having said that, you're spot on about old comma splicer chops.
I do miss the likes of you on the forum (not that you are not a one-off) I hope that retirement in China is still suiting you. We is fine, but on Saturday we had a hotpot which I dislike. However, I said it really tasty, so on the strength of that her-indoors is doing another one this weekend. The ingredients look like they could send you to the mortuary double-quick.
I worked in China, Korea and Taiwan, I had a good experience in China & Korea, however,
keep in mind that China and Taiwan was to hot and dirty nosey for me. My advise avoid it
at all costs.Regards,
Your writing indentifies you as a citizen of Asia (comma splices and subject/verb agreement). Since this website now only posts comments of this quality and screens out criticism (no doubt this post will not be posted), I can only assume that the site has been purchased by an English-illiterate individual who is milking the last remnants of adv-click income.
Good luck with that.
I worked in China, Korea and Taiwan, I had a good experience in China & Korea, however, keep in mind that China and Taiwan was to hot and dirty nosey for me. My advise avoid it at all costs.
A very bad idea. Pay for teaching in all these countries is very low. Also, if you can't speak Chinese or Thai don't bother as you will be heavily reliant on others.
China is becoming very hostile to foreigners, you are not welcome there. It will only get worse as the Social Credit Score system gets into full swing, the paranoia will be off the charts.
Not fair on your kids either, expecting them to live in a third world country where they will suffer stress.
Teaching in Asia can be rewarding and frustrating. The rewarding part is the travel, exploration and the general sense of adventure. The frustrating part with be the lack of 'real' friendships you develop, the blatant education abuse, the lack of morals and character of almost all the business people you encounter. As far as where to go to get your kids an education, you need to work at a true international school. You can't have work in a place like China and get an English education outside of the 4 or 5 major cities, all the rest are just international by name.
Finding a job can be fun also! You will have 'agents' popping out of the woodwork, promising everything and anything. Generally there are 2 types of agents. Western agents who do not have a licence to work in China and Chinese agents who don't have a licence to work in China. With agents my suggestion is to be careful, choose wisely and keep your personal information to yourself.
Contact schools directly, check there websites, check review boards, be diligent or you will find yourself going through more than just culture shock.
Good luck
Hi Robyn,
We are an education agency which is specialised in ESL service.
We have good connection with various schools in China,
I can help you and your husband find a suitable teaching posts and a school which is taught in English.
Please feel free to send me an Email to ask if you are still in need.
Hi everyone
My husband and I last week decided to relocate our family. We have 3 kids aged 10, 7 and 1. We are looking to for teaching posts in either China, Taiwan or Thailand. My question is, is it only the international schools that teach in English? I'm asking because my kids would need to get their lessons in English.
Thanks in advance.