Name the country with the largest inmate population per capita.
Name the country with the most expansive military occupation on the planet.
Name the country built on slavery and the genocide of native peoples that has nearly 30% of it's descendants of slaves currently held in varying forms of penal control.
Name the only democracy where the President is not elected by popular vote, but by party hacks and billionaire donors selected secretly as 'electors'.
Name the country where education has become increasingly segregated by race into the 21st century.
Name the country whose "Supreme" Court has ruled that 'money is speech' and 'corporations have the rights of personage'.
Name the country that despite these critical unaddressed domestic faults finds the moxie to criticize other nations with clueless inane arrogance.
Name the country whose president is a perfect example of the quality of the that nation's understanding of the world.
The People's Republic of China, at 69 years old, has many problems that are being addressed by their own people in their own way. Your opinions about their choices are, to be respectful in the Chinese way, of little note.
- China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-08
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Aussie Red Pill Fever -- 2019-02-06
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- efltraveler -- 2019-01-16
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-18
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-21
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Dragonized -- 2019-01-22
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-21
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- efltraveler -- 2019-01-16
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Aussie Red Pill Fever -- 2019-02-06