Actually I am a female.
My husband is Chinese.
Name any city in the USA that maintains consistent MASS executions, pollution of insane levels where the AQI is nearly 1000 stemming largely from state run enterprises that are in business making weapons of mass destruction and building ghost cities to prop up their 300% debt load to GDP. I'll wait.
Are the selling black market organ parts from executed inmates in the USA now too? Please cite one credible source. I'll wait.
Know anyone at the US embassy that can vouch for your view on China and support it with facts?
Foreigners in the USA that are in custody, and appeal a sentence 1/3 of the way into it, don't arbitrarily get handed a DEATH PENALTY like the man from Canada that was set up on fake drug charges. Do you know the back story? No? Well I do.
You sound like another misinformed Liberal clearly without a clue.
Expert in China?
Well....Let's see.
I studied Kung Fu for 15 years.
My husband is Chinese.
I read, write, and speak Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese.
I had a business in China and sold it.
My husband and I bought homes in China.
I have lived in many cities in China spanning many years.
I also still have a valid perm residence card which I will not renew.
So yes, I think I am somewhat of an expert on China. Oddly enough, so does my employer here in the USA.
- China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-08
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Aussie Red Pill Fever -- 2019-02-06
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- efltraveler -- 2019-01-16
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-18
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-21
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Dragonized -- 2019-01-22
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-21
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- efltraveler -- 2019-01-16
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Aussie Red Pill Fever -- 2019-02-06