In BC (Canada) this guy was also convicted of "fake drug charges", so he really is just unlucky. Perhaps, the Canadian PM and his unreasonably big and undiplomatic mouth has sent this guy to death. First, Trrrudeau lied he didn't know Meng was arrested in BC, then he went around the fact that she did not break any Canadian laws, and to cement this guy's (and maybe Kovrig's and Spavok's) faith the PM claimed Michael Kovrig had a diplomatic immunity (when in fact he entered China on his regular passport with business visa). As soon as the Chinese smelled his breath, they sealed (or unsealed and re-sealed) the Canadian drug dealer's existence.
On labor violations, there are scores of those in Canada, US or some other developed nations that claim otherwise. Living out of 3,000-4,000 dollars monthly when your rent 80 % of your salary and income tax 30% is, I'd say, VIOLATING. What's important here is that Canadian PM Turd knew exactly what he was doing from day one prior to Huawei's CFO's arrest as putting real laws aside his flawed calculator figured that doing business with his traditional southern neighbor is better than with the overseas fickle hoardes.
So, all (even the idiots) may see now how our leaders take care of us when we are at home or abroad as they'd clearly do politics with their blinders on leaving us behind. Whether more Canadians and other foreigners in China now get a fair treatment or not is all up in the polluted skies there.
- CHINA LABOR VIOLATIONS -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-16
- Re CHINA LABOR VIOLATIONS -- Whistle Blower -- 2019-01-18
- Re CHINA LABOR VIOLATIONS -- Anna -- 2019-02-01
- Re CHINA LABOR VIOLATIONS -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-23
- Re CHINA LABOR VIOLATIONS -- Anna -- 2019-02-01
- Re CHINA LABOR VIOLATIONS -- Whistle Blower -- 2019-01-18