Yeah, man, you are so right; that is, considering how squeaky clean the rest of the world is, China really stands out.
I'm so glad to be an American because we don't have pollution, we never practice espionage, we don't jail minorities for the sake of profit based prisons, we are totally focused on saving the planet, we would never think of harassing foreigners, we don't kill each other and each other's children at an alarming rate, nor do we have the world's highest crime rate. Nothing fishy about our current administration either. Damn we're lucky.
I have friends married to Chinese who have carved out peaceful and meaningful lives for themselves away from the inanity of places like Beijing, and who will continue doing so peacefully for long into the future unimpeded by media induced sentiment. Odd to me how a foreign teacher lands in China, spends a wee bit of time in some popular cities teaching overcrowded classes and then suddenly they're China experts whose eyes are veiled to the reality of their own roots, and fall victim to the phenomena of being able to see more clearly on foreign soil than on one's home turf.
But anyway, rap on rapper.
- China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-08
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Aussie Red Pill Fever -- 2019-02-06
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- efltraveler -- 2019-01-16
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- The Shadow Knows -- 2019-01-18
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-21
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Dragonized -- 2019-01-22
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-21
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- efltraveler -- 2019-01-16
- Re China Unsafe Leave ASAP! -- Aussie Red Pill Fever -- 2019-02-06