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Re Teaching in Asia
- 2019-01-02
In response to Re Teaching in Asia (re)
I worked in China, Korea and Taiwan, I had a good experience in China & Korea, however,
keep in mind that China and Taiwan was to hot and dirty nosey for me. My advise avoid it
at all costs.Regards,
Your writing indentifies you as a citizen of Asia (comma splices and subject/verb agreement). Since this website now only posts comments of this quality and screens out criticism (no doubt this post will not be posted), I can only assume that the site has been purchased by an English-illiterate individual who is milking the last remnants of adv-click income.
Good luck with that.
Messages In This Thread
- Teaching in Asia -- Robyn -- 2018-11-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- re -- 2018-12-27
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-08
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPrc -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-17
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Killairn -- 2019-02-06
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Polar Bear -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-17
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPrc -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-08
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Jim Jones -- 2018-12-22
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Dan -- 2018-12-10
- Re Teaching in Asia -- chinamen -- 2018-11-11
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Lisa -- 2018-11-12
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- re -- 2018-12-27
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Re Teaching in Asia