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Re Teaching in Asia
Jim Jones
- 2018-12-22
In response to Teaching in Asia (Robyn)
A very bad idea. Pay for teaching in all these countries is very low. Also, if you can't speak Chinese or Thai don't bother as you will be heavily reliant on others.
China is becoming very hostile to foreigners, you are not welcome there. It will only get worse as the Social Credit Score system gets into full swing, the paranoia will be off the charts.
Not fair on your kids either, expecting them to live in a third world country where they will suffer stress.
Messages In This Thread
- Teaching in Asia -- Robyn -- 2018-11-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- re -- 2018-12-27
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-08
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPrc -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-17
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Killairn -- 2019-02-06
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Polar Bear -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-17
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPrc -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-08
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Jim Jones -- 2018-12-22
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Dan -- 2018-12-10
- Re Teaching in Asia -- chinamen -- 2018-11-11
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Lisa -- 2018-11-12
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- re -- 2018-12-27
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Re Teaching in Asia