This is a five year report on the business practices and teacher treatment of Suceed International English School in Wuxi, China.
The principals are Mark Z. and Alex W.: Mark Z. is based at the school and Alex W. is a Chinese national with Canadian citizenship who spends half of the year in Toronto, Canada.
Suceed Int'l is a "partnership school" who in the past has collaborated with Rosedale Academy (Toronto) and currently LLI (London language institute, London, Ontario) offering OSSD (Ontario secondary school diploma) or individual learning courses in English. What they are in fact are a money laundering operation avoiding the Ministry of Taxation in Beijing. Alex W. running the funds of the Wuxi operation through the Canadian banking system.
Three teachers: Art M. (CA), Jack W. (CA), and Ed M. (US) have contributed reports to our investigation. What we have found is as follows:
A) The teaching position offered will not likely be the position you perform: You could be an English teacher but pushed into teaching math, science, etc. on a short schedule. You might have 3 wks. to teach a full semester college chemistry course for example.
B) You could be shuttled back and forth to schools located far from the main campus in other districts or another city. You could also be required to cover classes on a moments notice every day of the week.
C) Contracts are not paid to stipulation: Salaries are often "skimmed"/"adjusted" depending on the whim of the principal. Remember in China the contract only applies to the teacher and will be held over the educators head if conflicts arise. Your contract may also indicate a year but you may find yourself out of a job in 3 months with shorted salary. Chinese men DO NOT make contracts with other Chinese persons because contracts are not honored. EVER.
D) In the agreement there will be indicated "the school will provide an apartment" but the principal will try to force the teacher to rent his own. This can be expensive as this is usually done through an agency and there is a high fee & many deposits. Deposits are never returned and the "allowance" for housing indicated in the contract will not be enough to cover rent, utilities, etc.
E) Travel expenditures may be declined by asking for excessive documentation which is not asked for in advance and still could be refused by again the whim of the principal.
F) Currently instead of securing the legal work documents to be employed in China the school is now recruiting teachers abroad and bringing them in on L (tourist) visas for short term work and NOT TELLING THE TEACHER IN ADVANCE.
G) The student body make up of Suceed and its satellite campuses are usually made up of students who were kicked out of schools for behavioral issues: lazy, violent tendencies, emotional problems. One teacher documented how one of his students was indicating in his essays dark thoughts of hurting or torturing others.
We make no conclusions it is up to the reader to decide the course of action to take.