Teaching in Asia can be rewarding and frustrating. The rewarding part is the travel, exploration and the general sense of adventure. The frustrating part with be the lack of 'real' friendships you develop, the blatant education abuse, the lack of morals and character of almost all the business people you encounter. As far as where to go to get your kids an education, you need to work at a true international school. You can't have work in a place like China and get an English education outside of the 4 or 5 major cities, all the rest are just international by name.
Finding a job can be fun also! You will have 'agents' popping out of the woodwork, promising everything and anything. Generally there are 2 types of agents. Western agents who do not have a licence to work in China and Chinese agents who don't have a licence to work in China. With agents my suggestion is to be careful, choose wisely and keep your personal information to yourself.
Contact schools directly, check there websites, check review boards, be diligent or you will find yourself going through more than just culture shock.
Good luck
- Teaching in Asia -- Robyn -- 2018-11-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- re -- 2018-12-27
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-08
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPrc -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-17
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Killairn -- 2019-02-06
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Polar Bear -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-17
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPrc -- 2019-01-13
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Taffy -- 2019-01-08
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Jim Jones -- 2018-12-22
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Dan -- 2018-12-10
- Re Teaching in Asia -- chinamen -- 2018-11-11
- Re Teaching in Asia -- Lisa -- 2018-11-12
- Re Teaching in Asia -- FTinPRC -- 2019-01-02
- Re Teaching in Asia -- re -- 2018-12-27