My first teaching experience in China was at Jining Confucius International School (JCIS). Located in Jining, Shandong, this school is a bilingual school at best. Although it boasts an impressive campus, a huge student population and very nice uniforms, the depth of the school is not much more than that. Foreign talent are treated with disdain by the Chinese teachers and middle management. The administration treat foreigners like they are simply dancing bears for the parents. The international department is one without curriculum, without direction and without leadership.
Best of luck if you choose to take the job, they will strip you of your good intent, caring, and motivation in the first 2 months.
Just a word of advice. Ask to speak to teachers there, especially one of the non NES, they are treated so poorly. Personally I am NES with considerable experience in China and other countries, I have never been treated so poorly.