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Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments
Matthew Windall
- 2018-10-18
In response to looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments (Jun)
Hey! Here's a website that has hundreds of schools and reviews from teachers. It's a lot like what you described. Basically you search for your school, if it's in the system you can read the reviews and look at pictures, if it's not you can add your school by writing a review for it!
And the whole point is to separate wheat from chaff when it comes to ESL Schools in China, and also to facilitate hiring but mainly to put information on schools out there so when candidates get offers they can look up the schools.
Messages In This Thread
- looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- Jun -- 2018-10-12
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- Matthew Windall -- 2018-10-18
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- The Shadow Knows -- 2018-10-13
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- FTinPRC&em -- 2018-10-19
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- John O’Shei -- 2018-10-16
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- RoryM -- 2018-10-23
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- The Shadow Knows -- 2018-10-13
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- Matthew Windall -- 2018-10-18
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Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments