We are a recruiting agency to place ESL teachers in Chinese schools ,we have found that some schools are dishonest and always trying to play trick with foreign teachers and recruiting agencies .
We try to place teachers in proper schools and will do some research online before we cooperate with a school .But what we can find online is if a school (most are language school /training centers) is registered and if the school has any disputes record .It's kind of useful to help us avoid cooperation with unregistered schools but usually that's all we can find .
We are thinking to build a website so that teachers can share their working experience and comments about language schools to help teachers find the right job .
Don't know if it will work ,because there're many small training centers which only hire a couple foreign teachers ,there might not enough data can be collected . if anyone have any suggestions ,please let me know .
- looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- Jun -- 2018-10-12
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- Matthew Windall -- 2018-10-18
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- The Shadow Knows -- 2018-10-13
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- FTinPRC&em -- 2018-10-19
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- John O’Shei -- 2018-10-16
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- RoryM -- 2018-10-23
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- The Shadow Knows -- 2018-10-13
- Re looking for suggestions about building a website to display schools' comments -- Matthew Windall -- 2018-10-18