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Re how much English should I speak at the ESL classes?
- 2018-09-29
In response to how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? (nastasime)
Thank you for the reply! I'd like to know how you deal with this. How do your colleagues deal? What is your personal opinion? How much ENglish do you speak at your classes?
Messages In This Thread
- how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? -- nastasime -- 2018-09-18
- Re how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? -- nastasime -- 2018-09-29
- Re how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? -- FTinPRC -- 2018-09-20
- Re how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? -- nastasime -- 2018-09-29
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Re how much English should I speak at the ESL classes?