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how much English should I speak at the ESL classes?
- 2018-09-18
Hi dear colleagues!
I've been always struggling to stick to an idea of how much should I push my students into speaking ENglish, considering that English is a foreign language for me and for them? SHould just speak English to them and let them address me in our lang. and talk among themselves unless they're presenting results of the task? Should I pretend I don't understand our lang to make them speak only English? The 3d option? I would usually do the 1st and sometimes ask them to speak ENglish, so I haven't been really consistent with this
How do you usually deal with this issue if you teach in your home country or abroad? Please share your experience and ideas!
Messages In This Thread
- how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? -- nastasime -- 2018-09-18
- Re how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? -- nastasime -- 2018-09-29
- Re how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? -- FTinPRC -- 2018-09-20
- Re how much English should I speak at the ESL classes? -- nastasime -- 2018-09-29
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how much English should I speak at the ESL classes?