I've worked for Haida for the past 2.5 years( A year in Hangzhou and a year and a half in Shenzhen) , and though we've had a few disagreements in the past, I must admit they did resolve the issues and they are constantly improving. I've tried looking for the thread below to find the original article and couldn't find anything. The few comments that are on here don't have any specifics so how could they be trusted? Some people haven't even worked for them but are commenting. Please be more specific about the issues that you have faced.
Absolutely correct! They are the scum of the earth and parasites of society!
I have zero sympathy for any training school owner or manager. They are all scum.
In car they hire foreigners on illegal visa (other than the legal Z visa), report them to immigration. Be sure to be out of China by the time when immigration takes action as it may hurt you as well - just in case you were one of those working illegally.
Digging up dirt on them is good advice, a strategy I endorse. Secretly filming Chinese bosses when they are drunk and groping underage girls at KTV is a good idea. If you can prove that a business is not paying tax for sure the Chinese media may be interested in that even if they don't care about laowai.
I have zero sympathy for any training school owner or manager. They are all scum. That includes women managers who work at these places. You will remember that I outed a Chinese teacher who was working part-time as a prostitute. This is one thing I hate about Chinese people especially the women. They say one thing in public (eg, pretend to be "traditional etc ) but they do the opposite in private. The biggest hypocrites I ve ever seen. I m sure that Chinese teacher will never be able to marry or have a kid because of me. I don't care though. She bought it on herself. Sure, work as a hooker but don't tell people you are a "traditional girl" with "family values".A Canadian friend of mine also found out a Chinese teacher was making pornographic films in her spare time..She pleaded with him not to tell her family and send them a copy. I don't think he did.
It's always Fifi's fault, right?
If you know where their head office is you can cause huge problems for them. It is not that difficult. Use your imagination. Revenge is sweet!
Yes but it can make you bitter and twisted. What I also worry about is getting it all wrong and making a mistake. I am old enough to know and to admit that I have misjudged people and situations in my life- and likely to do the same again. I suppose it's okay for some who can shrug it off and not worry about the damage they have exacted in pursuing revenge. Best to wake up each morning and say to yourself "a training centre could be a lovely school I do not know"
Give you a case in point , Fifi got the wrong end of the stick with me yesterday but instead of doing the right thing and apologising to me for the offensive things she said- ITS STILL MY FAULT FOR SETTING HER UP!! HAHAHA! So some of us are never wrong.
Chinese friends, a phone call to the media... If you have extra dirt upon them such as failing to pay tax, illegal part-time/non-native teachers, you can really cause them trouble.
If you know where their head office is you can cause huge problems for them. It is not that difficult. Use your imagination. Revenge is sweet!
SB: This agency has hurt one of my friends in Hangzhou some 14 months ago.
They are a true pile of shit.
What can be done to expose them better, like the OP says - glad I saw this post - because they keep scamming year after year. How do we stop them?
SB, you often have good suggestions when it comes to shitty Chinese recruiters. What would you suggest?
To start with, here is the contact info that appears on their 2 websites:
Office (0086) 571-86775788
Fax (0086) 571-85088323
Mailing Address:
RM 1209, 12F Tongfang Fortune Tower,
No.334 Fengqi Rd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
P.R. China 310013
This agency keeps scamming teachers (thread below). What can be done to expose the people behind it, shame them, show their phone numbers and email addresses and physical addresses?