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Re What can be done about Haida HR
Davey dolittle
- 2018-09-08
In response to What can be done about Haida HR (Observer)
I've worked for Haida for the past 2.5 years( A year in Hangzhou and a year and a half in Shenzhen) , and though we've had a few disagreements in the past, I must admit they did resolve the issues and they are constantly improving. I've tried looking for the thread below to find the original article and couldn't find anything. The few comments that are on here don't have any specifics so how could they be trusted? Some people haven't even worked for them but are commenting. Please be more specific about the issues that you have faced.
Messages In This Thread
- What can be done about Haida HR -- Observer -- 2018-03-29
- Re What can be done about Haida HR -- Davey dolittle -- 2018-09-08
- Re What can be done about Haida HR -- Anti-Helen crooks -- 2018-03-29
- Re What can be done about Haida HR -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Also Concerned -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Le Sourde -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
- Re: What can be done about scammers Haida HR, Hangzhou China -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
- Re What can be done about Haida HR -- Anti-Helen crooks -- 2018-03-29
- Re What can be done about Haida HR -- Davey dolittle -- 2018-09-08
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Re What can be done about Haida HR