This Wall Street branch is terrible. The service manager is very lazy and moody with very poor manners. He is so stuck up in his personal Ego, so he does not care about other people's needs. He does not give much information out and this results in slack system and unprofessional behaviour. Wall street is a Franchise. Many of their schools are so lost into their own ego and system, that they don't know the art of actually running schools professionally.
Wall Street English have a few schools in Italy which are run very poorly with little respect or care for students and teachers. The school in Ferrara are liars and cheats. For teachers, they waste time promising benefits which do not exist. Their interview process is very long-winded and unclear. They often keep you waiting and lying about their time and schedules for the many stages of their interview. The Service Manager is a liar and very deceiving about the school and what they offer. They have unreliable management who do not know how to recruit staff properly and they are very disorganized. The school is pathetic and disrespectful of people's time and waste of money. There are better schools for students to learn. Poor quality and rubbish.