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Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers?
- 2018-08-18
In response to Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? (Educator)
Why stay?
I'm accustomed to hearing complaints about the 'situation in China for foreigners' which, in my opinion, is the expat variation of the domestic 'what happened to my country?'. Most of these unhappy souls eventually leave, return home, and become domestic curmudgeons.
You, however, actually acquired a Chinese permanent residency, not a small accomplishment. Why bother when
?Pollution, corrupt schools,
censorship, human rights violations, human trafficking, massive fraud
Masochism or married to money?
Messages In This Thread
- Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- hanky -- 2018-08-08
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Educator -- 2018-08-14
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- FTinPRC -- 2018-08-18
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Z-Visa -- 2018-08-14
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Whistle Blower -- 2018-08-20
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- FTinPRC -- 2018-08-16
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Whistle Blower -- 2018-08-20
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Educator -- 2018-08-14
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Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers?