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Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers?
- 2018-08-08
I hear there have been many police raids this year in Shenzhen China with the police targeting foreigners working without the proper Z-visa or working visa. I hear that Keyword Education has been hit hard, with a couple teachers being sent to JAIL and others deported. Recently, I heard some incoming teachers had their work permits denied for whatever reason. Is this happening all across Shenzhen at all public, private, and training center schools, or just certain schools/locations? Is this going on throughout China? Anyone else have news on this?
Messages In This Thread
- Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- hanky -- 2018-08-08
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Educator -- 2018-08-14
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- FTinPRC -- 2018-08-18
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Z-Visa -- 2018-08-14
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Whistle Blower -- 2018-08-20
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- FTinPRC -- 2018-08-16
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Whistle Blower -- 2018-08-20
- Re Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers? -- Educator -- 2018-08-14
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Police Raids in Shenzhen China 2018 for illegal foreigners (no work visa) - Training Centers?