13200 ARLES
41 years old
French nationality
Native speaker
Dear sir,
I have a very strong interest in pursuing a teaching career. With experience working at both the elementary and high school levels, as well as in activities outside of the traditional classroom, I have a diverse background with much to offer.
My first classroom teaching experience was as a French teacher in Indonesia. In addition, Since January 2016 I work for Languages Communication Institute School in Setif .
I have student teaching experience in primary school and private teaching . I particularly enjoyed working with children and careful preparation of lessons allowed me to break down sometimes complicated concepts to simple examples that my young students could grasp.
My resume is enclosed. I hope to meet you and to be part of the success of your school.
Thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully yours,
Miloud Atsemani
French Teacher at Languages and Communication Institute in Setif Algeria
French teaching certificate from international school
Home tutoring English and French languages in Indonesia
Organized workshops on literacy development in poetry (to progress in French speaking and writing)
Languages: French, English, Arabic and Indonesia
All of the graduation of sports are under the French Ministry of Sport
Planned and organized a one week safari sports event in Guyana with students age 16-25 years. Planning involved coordinating with French police and government sponsors recommended by first wife of France, Mrs. Chirac, the wife of President Chirac.
1996-1997 : Center of Continue Formation in Arles, France
B.E.A.T.E.P. certificate = certificate from government popular education, to organize culture and sports events especially in youth clubs
B.A.A.S.E. certificate Educative = certificate of social education for first degree, to be a social worker especially with teenagers
1995-1996 : Center of physical education under Ministry Sport, Toulouse, France
B.E.E.S.A.P.T. certificate = sport teacher certificate from government, to teach PE to all public in different environments (e.g. schools, youth clubs)
B.E.E.S. rugby = sport teacher certificate from government specialist in rugby, 1st degree rugby coach)
certificate of mountain biking instructor certificate of indoor mountain climbing instructor
basketball coach first level
First Aid Advanced Skills certificate
1991-1994 : Pasquet High school, Arles, France
JUIN 1994 : Bachelor Degree from French Education Ministry, Academy of Marseille, majoring in Marketing, Business, and Language (English)
French Teacher at Languages and Communication Institute in Setif
Algeria 2016
Fitness Instructor and private French language in Salah Bey Algeria 2015
Seller of traditional medicine in Cibinong BOGOR Indonesia 2013 - 2014
Home tutoring English and French languages in Indonesia 2011 - 2012
Advisor and coordination, P.E. teacher in primary school KAIFA, City of Bogor Indonesia 2009 - 2010
Physical Education Teacher, City of Bourges, 1998 - 2009
Teaches Physical Education in kindergarten and primary school to students ages 5-12 years old gymnastics, judo, swimming, mountain biking, rugby, basketball, handball, and athletics.
Coordinates physical education events of judo, basketball, gymnastics, handball, football, rugby, and windsurfing
Promotes physical health and safety.
Social Worker, French Government Bourges, France, 1997-1998
Developed partnership for area sports clubs from deprived areas
Provided youth counselling
Instructor in Maeva Latitude Holiday Center in Cannes, France summer 1997
Organized cultural and sport animation for parents and children in holiday’s center.
Youth Club Co-Director, A.P.A.J. = Association to educate younger, Arles, France, 1990-1996
Organized workshops on literacy development in poetry (to progress in French speaking and writing)
Instructed students on developing videos
Coordinated sports activities
Organized physical education classes
Developed cultural activities
Provided academic support for children from deprived areas
Tutored children students doing homework
Interacted with teachers and parents to assure academic performance