Hello, My name is Versia Hodges II. I am an American citizen, hometown of Los Angeles, CA. WeChat:Lazhou82; 139-1504-6995. I'm search of a full-time position teaching, and potentially tutoring gigs as well via Skype, at home, etc.
Versia Hodges II
Educational Record:
B.A. Communications with emphasis in Broadcast Production, Portales, NM (2013)
M.A. Communications, Portales, NM (2016)
Teaching Experience:
Courses Taught at Lanling Middle School- Changzhou, China-(Aug. 2016-Present)
Courses Taught at Eastern New Mexico University: Portales, NM
Interpersonal Communication & Public Speaking (Aug. 2014- May. 2015)
ϖ Educated 145 undergraduate students
ϖ Compliance with FERPA student privacy laws
ϖ Compiled syllabi; identified additional resource materials and course related websites
ϖ Prepared and proctored examinations
ϖ Evaluate student performance and grade all course work
ϖ Scheduled and maintained regular office hours to tutor and advise students
Professional Activities:
Founder of Skylar Inc., 2015-
ϖ Designed and created a selection on 25 T-shirts
ϖ Conduct creative assessments, demographic analysis, inductive styling, and technological platforms
Marketing Consultant Intern, Trust for Public Land, May-July 2014
ϖ Shortlisting and presenting creative assets for team review, particularly project and program photography
ϖ Sorting and archiving marketing samples
ϖ Assisting with philanthropy outreach—creating mail merge files & collating and preparing materials
ϖ Collating and circulating new marketing materials
ϖ Ordering and distributing materials from head office
ENMU Liberal Arts & Sciences Student Fees Board Representative, 2013 & 2015
ϖ Part of a 15-member board overseeing $1M budget
ϖ Evaluated financial needs for all university departments
ϖ Assessed departmental budgetary histories
ϖ Recommended fund allocation protocols
ϖ Proposed budget cuts to maximize financial resources
Production Coordinator, KENW PBS New Mexico Station, 2011-2013
ϖ Coordinated lights, audio, and video
ϖ Selected shooting locations as they were taped on-air
ϖ Synchronized and cooperated with students and faculty
ϖ Managed production set-up for the nationwide shot Creative Living
Creative Activities:
Art Exhibition: Break Through, 2015
Sidewalk Chalk Competition: 2015 (Judge)
Art Exhibition: Now You See Me, 2014
Radio Drama: A Budding Connection by Amethyst Collins, 2014
Black History Month: The Black Project (2015) & African Diaspora (2016)
Servant Leadership:
ϖ Amazon Warehouse (2015)
ϖ Toastmasters International (2015)
ϖ ENMU International Club Representative (2014-Present)
ϖ Impact HUB Seattle Member (2014)
ϖ Black Stone Gallery Host in Los Angeles (2013)
ϖ ENMU Physical Plant: Carpentry, Plumbing, Fire Alarm Systems, Electrician (2012- Present)
ϖ Athletic Trainer (2011-Present)
Featured Publications:
ϖ “Student talks cultural pride, issues” (Portales News Tribune, 2015)-
ϖ “ Q & A: Hodges wants to be spark” (Clovis News Journal, 2015)-
ϖ “Portrait of the Artist as a Graduate Student” (ENMU HoundBytes, 2014)-