Brandon Knight
Enthusiastic educator with excellent communication skills and a strong motivation to succeed. Detail-oriented with a passion for knowledge, exploration, and progression. I have a strong passion for business and education, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation
EOF Peer Mentor, The College of New Jersey
Ewing, New Jersey — 2014 - 2015
Job description : Helped incoming freshmen to acclimate to the campus and college community community, to introduce them to events on campus, and provide support as they navigate their first year experience.
Sunday School Teacher, New Light Baptist Community Church
Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey — 2013 - 2016
Job description : To provide instruction for the teen and young adult level sunday school classes.
Private ESL Online Teacher,
Online Based in Beijing, China 2015 -2016
Job Description: To Provide Instruction to students based in China in the areas of written and oral English
University Teacher, Anhui University of Finance and Economics
Bengbu, Anhui Province China —Jul 2016 - Present
Job description : To provide instruction to university students in the areas of Economics, Business English, and Oral English.
IP International English Programs
Bengbu, Anhui Province China —Nov 2016 - Present
Job description : To provide private instruction in TESOL and IELTS examination preparation.
● The College of New Jersey EOF Promise Award
● The College of New Jersey EOF Incentive Scholarship
● Studied Abroad in Heidelberg, Germany
The College of New Jersey, Ewing NJ
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration — 2011-2015
Concentration : Business Management
Certifications : Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL) Teaching Certification - 2016 , Foreign Experts Certificate for the People’s Republic of China- 2016
● Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
● Excellent analytical skills, attention to detail, and strong verbal communication
● Advanced computer proficiency, cooperative team member, organized, and good
use of technology in the classroom
REFERENCES Available upon request.