Travel, Teach, Live in China
Insurance Advice
In Response To: What insurance shall i get (Sarah)
I should have mentioned that I found these 2 sites as a result of the advice given to you by Martin, who supplies a very good resource on this topic. I checked out the 2 sites. I found the intsos site to be a bit confusing, but the medex site was very easy to navigate and obtain information from. It seems you can get very comprehensive coverage if you are still young and helathy for around 100 bucks a month(US Dollars).
Your friend, Bill
Messages In This Thread
- What insurance shall i get -- Sarah
- Re: What insurance shall i get -- Reilly
- Insurance advice -- Bill Jacot
- Insurance Advice -- Bill Jacot
- Uk insurance -- Sarah
- Insurance advice -- Bill Jacot
- Advice to Prospective Teachers in China (US Embassy) -- Martin
- Insurance advice -- Bill Jacot
- Re: What insurance shall i get -- Reilly