Travel, Teach, Live in China
and what, pray tell, are the nature of your qualifications that you should feel so indignant about the situation in china?
face the facts: the majority of "esl jobs" here do not require any academic qualifications at all, let alone any pedagogically meaningful language teaching qualifications ("pedagogically meaningful" being the operative words here), and i'm willing to bet you have none of the latter - because if you did, you either wouldn't be in China and so wouldn't be bothered whining about something that would not even be in your field of vision job-wise, or you would be in China working already in one of the few real jobs with real salaries for the few real esl teachers that there are here, and similarly would have no reason to indulge in such a ridiculous rant.
there are plenty of people here - "qualified" and otherwise - who are getting considerably more than the sort of pittances you are referring to, and if you'd been in China for any length of time at all you'd already know that.
anyway, i can't see how it's any of your business what someone else should or should not choose to accept as payment for services rendered. this sort of carry-on just shows you to be young, green and ignorant, and i advise you - that is if you really have any intention of ever developing within yourself such a valuable and sought-after skill as language teaching - that you direct your energies more to your own professional development rather than to wasting them indulging yourself in these misinformed and self-delusional robin hood fantasies.
Messages In This Thread
- Low wages/Let's wake up! -- jinchafa
- wake up -- geography expert
- wake up/response to geography expert -- jinchafa
- Low wages, let us wake up -- Anne
- Another (supporting) viewpoint -- AMonk
- Low wages/Let's wake up! -- cha yin zhe
- low wages/response to cha yin zhe -- jinchafa
- Low Wages? -- decurso
- Reply to Cha Yin Zhe -- AMonk
- Wages -- jollyjunklass
- Are you a recruiter Cha Yin Zhe? -- Lew
- Interesting -- Poof
- another view point -- Low Wages
- Interesting -- Poof
- Are you a recruiter Cha Yin Zhe? -- Lew
- Low Wages? -- decurso
- low wages/response to cha yin zhe -- jinchafa
- wake up -- geography expert