Travel, Teach, Live in Asia
Re: Shane Schools Japan - know what you're letting yourself in for
In Response To: Shane Schools Japan - know what you're letting yourself in for (Martin Lang)
I agree. Before coming to Japan to teach English consider your options. Shane is one of many Ekaiwa conversation schools in Japan but this is a million miles away from real teaching. I worked for Shane in Japan because I wanted stability and regular holidays, which they offer, but I made a huge mistake choosing Shane and having worked for them for over a year I feel as though I have been wasting my life.
If you want to develop as a teacher and learn transferable skills give Shane and other conversation schools a wide berth. Training is non existent, in all probability you'll be stuck in the middle of nowhere working alone day in day out with students that are too shy to form an utterance.
If you are fresh out of university and you want to see the world working in a conversation school isn't a bad option. You work long hours but it's extremely easy/tedious work. If I were you I'd grab a job in a call centre because it's essentially the same as teaching in a conversation school.