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Traveling to Bali can be an exciting adventure. Before packing medications for the trip, travelers must know that Indonesia has enacted severe penalties against illicit drugs. Some of the drugs included in these categories are medically prescribed and legal in the United States. Bringing prescription medications is not a problem if travelers carefully and logically prepare for an Indonesian customs inspection.
Ask the prescribing physician for a letter that outlines the exact medications that are prescribed, the dosage, the reason for taking the medication and the length of time the patient has been taking each drug. Chinese traditional/herbal medicines, prescription liquid medications and prescription sprays must be included in the physician's letter.
Pack each prescription in its original container with a pharmacy label that includes the patient's name. The name on the container must match the name on the boarding pass. Homemade labels are not accepted.
Label prescription liquid medications and prescription sprays with the pharmacy sticker in the same manner as pill bottles. There is a liquid limitation of 100 ml for carry-on luggage. Put extra liquid medicines into checked luggage.
Bring non-prescriptions drugs and medication through customs using the same procedures. These include contact lens solutions and children's fever medicines.
Match the quantity of each prescription with the duration of the stay, plus a few days for traveling. Do not bring more than needed. Customs officers compare the quantity of medicine with a visa's duration. Most visas are for 30 days and can be extended for another 30 days.
Import cough medicines with caution. Medicines containing codeine are considered illegal narcotics. These drugs include, but are not limited, to: Robitussin AC, Dilaudid, Paregoric, Lomitil and Tylenol with codeine. Customs inspection allow these medications if they are included in the physician's letter that states the reason for taking the drug. Medications with codeine must be in their original packaging, and the dosage quantity must not exceed the duration of the visit.