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Articles for Teachers

10 Book Report Project Ideas
By:Lesa Bolt

Making a book report can be simple but coming up with a good new creating unique way to present your book report can be challenging.

Here are 10 book report project ideas to choose from.

1. Make a small version of your book or a mini-book. Make sure to create illustrations and pictures from the book of the time lines in the book.

2. Show the similarities and differences between two books like a fiction and a nonfiction book. Make sure they are the same topic.

3. Create a trivia game and ask questions about the people in the book.

4. You can do answers about the main topics in the book and do a presentation giving the questions.

5. Do a crossword and word search about things from the book. This is really fun.

6. Make a top 10 reasons to read this book list and start with #10 and work up to the #1 reason to read the book.

7. Create a power point presentation on the book and use a projector and laptop to present.

8. Make a bulletin board about your book. Cut out pictures you draw and thumb tack them to the board or tape them up there. Write up articles that look like a newspaper article stating a highlight or interesting storyline from the book and cut out and paste to the bulletin board.

9. You can dress up as the character in the book and read a passage. This is great if the book is scary and you can dress up with a long gown and cape and use a lot of energy and excitement in reading the book.

10. Do you have any other suggesting readings? Do this book report based on all the good book reads that are similar and should not be missed.

With all these ideas you can surely create a unique book report just personalized to you and your style.

Find information on How to write a book report http://bookreports.learn-about-it.com/ and book report projects here http://bookreports.learn-about-it.com/Book%20Report%20Projects.htm

Lesa Bolt is a contributor to http://bookreports.learn-about-it.com

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