Articles for Teachers
The other day one of my kids reached over and hit another child. In the past I would have reacted with, "That is not acceptable behavior!" and sent him to "time out" to await a conversation about changing his behavior. Since I have been investigating the increase in meanness in schools and finding that I can attribute much of it to fear, I have begun asking children to go to the "thought spot" to think about what they were afraid of when they chose to hit. This little boy was able to tell me that he was afraid that the other child was taking his friend and so he was being mean, protecting himself from perceived harm.
I then sat down with him and listened to his fears and anxieties concerning friendships. We discuss and practiced some appropriate ways to respond and he and the other little boy are becoming fast friends. I am convinced that if we can look at the root of the problems instead of the symptoms, we will be better able to help children deal with their fears and the behaviors that are screaming to us, "Help!"
People often look at me with much distrust, like I am selling snake oil when I start talking about fear affecting them or their students following 9/11. Here is a list of ways I see fear invading our classrooms. Do you recognize any of these symptoms? They are rampant in our nation's schools.
Fear's Indicators:
1. Meanness/ Violence - fear breeds verbal and physical aggression towards self and others
2. Hate - fear of the other person and their influence
3. Disrespect/hostility for authority and selves - control issues
4. A shut down in learning/intellectual growth - It is impossible to learn when insecure and at risk (Maslow)
5. Distrust/failed relationships - fear of others' abandonment and their trustworthiness
6. Failure/ Lack of achievement or perseverance -- I won't measure up, so why try
7. Pessimism - It is always going to be this bad - fear of the future
8. Addictive behaviors/Unhealthy habits- Creating habits to deal with fear
9. Sleep deprivation - sleeplessness is a side-effect of fear
10. Depression/ Anxiety - Sadness due to fear of life's responsibilities, both real and imagined
Our students and our schools are being battered by fear. More and more behavior intervention classrooms are being established as teachers are not prepared to deal with the overwhelming number of fear-impacted students.
Teachers and schools must learn to create environments that relieve fears and create support for risk-taking and growth. If not, the learning of a generation will be the collateral damage of the "War on Terror".
Phyllis Ferguson MEd., inspiring founder, lives by her motto, "Make Teaching and Learning a Joy".
As an award-winning, seasoned educator, Phyllis enthusiastically shares her "work smart, not hard" techniques for integration and literacy development in the K-6 classroom.
In addition, she is unreservedly applauded as she consults, provides in-service training, and presents live events throughout the United States and Canada. She is also the Director of Oasis School in Richland, WA as well as teaching K-2 multiage.
Phyllis has a comprehensive background in research-based literacy development, curriculum integration and brain-based instruction.
Listen to Phyllis' Save-the-Teacher Podcast