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Articles for Teachers

Long Term Occasional Teachers - What to Do So You Don't Get Ripped Off
By:Tania Mesar

As a long term occasional teacher you have some benefits that you would not get if you were a supply teacher. Though you have to create your own lesson plans, you get the comfort of having your own classroom, if only for a period of time. You can make good contacts at a schools so you have a better chance at getting hired permanently. And, you will not get that early morning call asking you to drive out to a random school.

Unfortunately, the disadvantages to being a long term occasional teacher are that you will not be paid when you are not there. You also know that when your contract is over, you will be back out there applying to job postings, going to interviews and hoping that you can get another temporary, and if you are lucky, full time position.

Sometimes it is nice to be a long term occasional teacher if you are lucky enough to have the cash to plan trips on your down time. Ultimately, the summer vacation, Christmas break, March break and all the many days off in between are slightly much if you are looking to get ahead financially is a little much if you do not have a plan. The good news is that there are so many things you can do as a long term occasional teacher on your days off to build a second stream of income for yourself, so you don't have to live on a budget.

The Internet has made a huge impact in the types of job opportunities that you can take-on as a teacher so you can make a great income, instead of picking up a part-time job in something that you are not interested in. The biggest factors that you must consider if you are a long term occasional teacher is that you must work with two very important concepts on your days off and while you're in the classroom if you want to get ahead financially.

1) Leverage (you want to make money from the efforts of others as well as your own)

2) residual income (to want to be paid time and time again from your original efforts- that is powerful)

Many network marketing or MLM companies offer supply teachers and long term occasional teachers a chance to both build an income, and get tax write-offs so that we do not lose hundreds of dollars from our pay cheques to taxes. Also, many teachers hate the idea of going back to school to get an additional or new job. Network marketing/MLM gives us the opportunity to build a business by sharpening the skills we already have as teachers.

The Internet has completely revolutionized the way we can do business. Instead of slowly building a network marketing business, talking to people one at a time, you can now talk with thousands of people Online who might be interested in your opportunity. The beauty of this is that they will be working for you while you are in the classroom, thus you get paid twice. This is just not as lucrative using face to face methods to build a business. A word of caution: do not go into this blindly without proper training, because you will spend more time correcting your mistakes than it is worth.

Do your research before getting involved with a company or a trainer, and then pick something that you can be passionate about. Whether you are a long term occasional teacher or not, with all the great opportunities out there, it does not make sense to not get paid on your days off. Do not forget to check out the link in the resource box below. I've got a great free report that details my experiences so you can learn from them.

Tania is a High-School Teacher who Helps Other Teachers Make what they're Worth so they Can Teach because they Love it and Not because they Have to. "Want to Learn the 7 fatal mistakes I made as a teacher on a budget, So You Know What to Avoid?" Free Report explains all. Go here to check it out: http://www.OnlineMLMTeacher.com/report.html

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