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Articles for Teachers

Teaching Tips - Wake Up Your Class Using Humor
By:Darrell Causey

ATTENTION TEACHERS! Stop boring your classes to death! Wake'em Up With Humor!

As the teacher it's your responsibility to make your material interesting. So, take the initiative and begin creating lessons that are informative, entertaining and fun. And if you do, your students will come to school just so they don't miss your class.

Now, you are either thinking, "How do I add humor to my lessons?" or "Why should I even bother with humor?"

Well, the reason you should bother to add humor to your lessons is because people like to laugh and people will remember more when they laugh.


Don't just lecture to your classes, give them a presentation. It is your job as the teacher to create a desire for knowledge. So, start learning how to prepare presentations that will capture your class' attention.

There are hundreds of books on public speaking, presentations and humor. If you truly want to improve your classroom you will make reading and studying a habit. Learn how to give a dynamite presentation that includes all the material and a little humor.


Your tests don't have to be dry and boring. Try adding a little humor to your tests. Humor helps people relax and it reduces test anxiety.

Rewrite your tests and add a few funny questions or responses. This is especially easy to do with multiple choice questions.


Spice up your finals by adding a Top 10 List to the end. Your students will enjoy the chance to laugh a little and relax.

But, I'm not funny.

You don't have to be a comedian to use humor in the classroom. You just need to keep a look out for things that might make a funny bulletin board, an interesting story or a humorous handout.

Don't forget the best humor of all is self deprecating humor. Students will love it every time you take a shot at yourself. It will make you appear more human and less perfect.

Yes, you can make your classes more fun, engaging and enjoyable by adding a little humor. You don't have to be funny just willing to learn and try. So, stop boring 'em and Wake 'em Up!

I would like to invite you to learn more about Teachership at http://Teaching411.net

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