Articles for Teachers
When you manage a daycare, it is important to choose daycare furniture and daycare supplies that are designed to keep children safe - while making your job easier.
Daycare Furniture: Safety Considerations
Keeping in mind the old adage that prevention is the best cure, choose daycare furniture with your children in mind. Purchase the proper height tables and chairs so that getting up and down from the table is safe and easy for your children. Avoid furniture with sharp edges and corners; rounded edges are best and will prevent many accidents.
Slippery floors can also be an avoidable issue. The best flooring for a daycare center is carpeting. If you have hardwood floors or tile, cover it with non-slip area rugs to protect children when they fall. The rugs will also provide a warm, soft place to play.
Book shelves and toy shelves are essential daycare furniture, as they provide for organization and create more space within the room. However, they can also be hazardous if you have children in your daycare who like to climb. Avoid this issue by only using shelves that are about the same height as most of the children in your care, and be certain that all shelves are secured to the wall behind them.
Another consideration when choosing daycare furniture is how well the furniture is constructed and what types of materials were used. In general, avoid using painted furniture or furniture made from pressed board that is known to off-gas such as mdf. In addition, periodically check all daycare furniture for loose screws, protruding nails and splintering wood.
Daycare Supplies: Important Details
When picking out daycare supplies such as toys and games, keep the safety of the children foremost in your mind. Avoid childcare supplies that are made cheaply and don't contain a list of ingredients. Purchase American-made, brand name daycare supplies whenever possible. This especially holds true for art supplies such as paints and play dough.
Cheaply made toys and games present other concerns. Small, easily broken plastic parts can be dangerous to young children. A good rule of thumb is not to purchase any daycare supplies with parts small enough to be put in a child's mouth. Wooden blocks, toys and puzzles are often the best choice in daycare supplies because they are safe, sturdy and will last a long time.
Other daycare supplies to consider are cleaning supplies. While it is important to clean and disinfect all areas of the daycare, including toys and games, on a regular basis, avoid cleaning supplies made with harsh or toxic chemicals.
Daycare Safety Plan
The emergency safety plan is a critical component to keeping your students safe. While a first-aid kit is a good place to start, you need to create a plan in case of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or fire. Once you have a plan, communicate it to the families served by your daycare.
Another important safety measure is to conduct background checks on every individual you employ, including yourself. This will give you and the families you serve peace of mind.
In addition, be wary of strangers coming to pick up a child from your daycare. Be prepared to place a phone call to a parent and demand photo ID if the person picking up a child is unfamiliar to you. It's always better to be safe than sorry when children are concerned.
These tips are a simple, yet helpful guide for daycare providers when choosing daycare furniture and daycare supplies, as well as developing safety guidelines and emergency plans.
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